Chapter 14 - New Year's Night with Tohru and her Friends

It's the New Year's eve, and it is a chilling afternoon for Masayuki and Emiko. They had a long day full of personal tasks like buying groceries and doing chores in their apartment place. They are walking down the street at a neighborhood. But still, it was a rewarding one because they were able to relax on that afternoon. A few weeks ago, they decided not to go their family vacation to Hawaii so they could spend the New Year's at Tohru's place instead, much to Tohru's cousins' annoyance, with one of them considering them as ungrateful for rejecting such an opportunity. Luckily for them, their parents agreed with their declining of a vacation.

"Man, later gonna be a new year for us," Masayuki commented in relaxing positivity.

"Me too as well, big brother," Emiko added meekly and positively.

They then took a left turn towards their apartment. After trekking to the second floor, they went to their unit, and Masayuki used his key to open the door. Once inside, they took off their shoes, and Masayuki turned on the lights, before Masayuki close the door.

"Hey, Emiko-chan," Masayuki asked her.

"Yes?" answered Emiko back.

"Do you have Handa's address?" Masayuki asked her.

Showing her smartphone containing Handa's address, Emiko responded back, "Yes."

"Good," replied Masayuki back, "because we are going there to spend the New Year's eve." Luckily, it was Masayuki's day off from work, so they'll have a lot of free time.

Later, while Kyo, Yuki, and Handa went up to the Sohma estate for a New Year's banquet, Masayuki and Emiko dressed up in their outside clothes. Masayuki worn his favorite dark grey, long-sleeve polo shirt with buttons and plain, white necktie with a light grey scarf, while Emiko worn her blue blouse with skirt and a scarf. Once they worn their shoes, they went outside and Masayuki closed the door and locked it, before proceeding to go downstairs. Later in the streets, they decided to stop by at a convenience store to buy some ingredients because they will cook an amazing dinner at Handa's house, which is actually Shigure's house.

A bit later, after Kyo and Yuki had decided to ditch the New Year's banquet, Handa, when he is about to set foot in the house, suddenly realized something: he had been ostracized by society, but Masayuki, Emiko, and Tohru had helped him to get out of his darkness. So, as two figures, which turns out to be Hatori snd Momiji, watch him from the distance, Handa turned back and ran back to Shigure's house, ditching the New Year's banquet.

While they were running, Kyo and Yuki realized how lonely Tohru might be. When they reached Shigure's house, they saw Tohru asleep at the dining room. After some exchanges of talking, the three of them decided to spend the New Year's there.

Meanwhile, Handa is about to reach the stairs leading up to Shigure's house, when he saw Masayuki and Emiko standing in front of the staircase.