Chapter 9 - New Home

Later at a real estate agency in the city, the three of them are searching for an apartment place for Masayuki and Emiko to live in. They asked them for an apartment place with the following specifications: 2 small bedrooms, a small bathroom with toilet, and a large room where the dining room, kitchen, and living room meet. They also included an additional specification of a balcony in which they can hang their laundry. After hearing their request, the real estate agent asked them what neighborhood they will rent an apartment. Masayuki then responded by telling them the address where his workplace is.

"I see then," the real estate agent said to them. "We'll see what we have for your children."

Not long after they took various tours in various apartments around the neighborhood close to Masayuki's workplace. Some are too big and expensive for their budget while others are too small and tight. But finally, at 10:02 a.m., they finally found the one: the one with the exact specifications, but in a cheaper rent.

"How's this?" the real estate agent said to them.

With enthusiasm, Masayuki responded back, "Yes, this is it."

"Well, I think this is settled," Pablo commented in final decision. "How much is the rent here?"

"It's 10,900 yen per month," the landlord explained the rent.

"Wow, that's cheap," Masayuki commented.

"Me too as well," Emiko added.

Grabbing his leather briefcase, Pablo said to them, "Well, good luck with your new life here." But when Pablo is about to leave, Masayuki and Emiko clung to him, telling how they will miss him so much. Realizing this, Pablo gave them a hug, and responded to them, "I will be missing you so much. I loved you two as well."

"Thanks a lot, dad," Masayuki responded back to his father, "for everything you had done for us."

"Me too as well," Emiko added with emotion.

After some time, Pablo left them to live a new life.