Chapter 16 - Happy New Year!

And then, they eat up with delight. Most of them got allured by the taste and texture of Masayuki's beef dish.

"Wow, Mr. Honda, this is so good," Yuki commented.

"It's so tasty, big brother," Emiko added.

After that, Tohru asked a question to Masayuki, "I don't understand. Are you and Emiko-chan supposed to be in Hawaii with your family?"

"Well, we don't want to go," Masayuki answered her back while eating, "because I considered it as a waste of time and money." Then in a happy state, "So we decided to decline it and rather spend the entire New Year's with you, Tohru-chan." This response causes Kyo and Yuki to think in their minds, "Is he being serious?"

"I see," Tohru responded back.

"Yeah, we did it for you," Emiko replied back in response.

"Wow, um, thanks," Tohru replied back.

"I told them that their family went to the wrong place at the wrong time," Handa added positively.

"Not really," objected Masayuki back in response. "Dad have to accompany them."

"Oh, sorry again," Handa apologized briefly.

After dinner, Tohru was washing the dishes and Masayuki was wiping the table clean. The rest are still at the table, watching as Masayuki kept wiping and cleaning.

"Well, that was a tasty meal," Kyo commented seriously.

"Yeah, thanks, Masayuki-kun," Handa happily thanked Masayuki.

"You're welcome, Handa Sohma," Masayuki happily responded back.

After that, Yuki commented to Masayuki on how good and reliable he is to him, Kyo, and Tohru.

"Oh, thanks," Masayuki responded back regularly as he finished wiping the table. Then he smiled at him and Kyo and continued, "You're welcome, Yuki-kun."

Later before the sun rises, all of them climbed the rooftop of Shigure's house to witness the sun rising. The last ones to arrive at the rooftop are Masayuki, Emiko, and Handa. Later after Kyo shouts his wish for the new year, Masayuki asked his sister what was her wish.

"I wished for your well-being, big brother," Emiko answered back positively and meekly.

"I see," responded back Masayuki responded back. Then to Handa, "What's yours?"

"I wished for big brother's well-being as the cat of the zodiac," Handa answered back. "What's yours, Masayuki-kun?"

"For me, I wished for Tohru-chan's prosperity and happiness in this home," Masayuki responded positively. And so, they all watched the sun rising over the horizon. Also, Masayuki and Emiko managed to gain Kyo and Yuki's trust.