Chapter 18 - At Tohru's Grandpa's House

Later after snack time, the three of them went out to pick up the photos Masayuki customized-printed. And at the printing shop, an employee handed Masayuki a brown envelope filled with 7 photos in standard picture frame size.

"Thank you so much," Masayuki positively thanked the employee back while bowing for a few seconds and holding the said envelope with his two hands.

After that, he paid for it, before leaving the shop with Emiko and Handa.

Later back at Masayuki's place, the three of them are putting the said photos into the picture frames Masayuki bought the day before, and they fitted just right.

And then, Emiko raised a question, "So, are we going to give them away?"

"Yeah, I mean, that was a lot of them," agreed Handa in response.

"Yes, we're giving most of them away," Masayuki answered back, "for you, Handa Sohma, Tohru-chan, one for Tohru-chan's place, and one for our grandpa's place."

"Oh, I see then," Emiko replied back without any objections.

Not long after, Masayuki, Emiko, and Handa wrapped five of the seven pictures in wrapping paper, and attached a piece of noshi in each of them, before putting them in a plastic bag. They then all went out again, this time, to give those gifts to their friends and loved ones.

The first stop was at Tohru's grandpa's house. Once Masayuki rang the doorbell, Pablo picked it up, greeting his children hello.

"Happy New Year, dad!" exclaimed Masayuki back as he gave his father a hug for a few seconds.

"Happy New Year!" Emiko greeted her father.

Handa then positively greeted Pablo whilst addressing him as 'Mr. Honda.'

"Come in," Pablo said to them.

Masayuki, Emiko, and Handa then entered the house.

Inside the house, Tohru's grandfather was at the living room while Tohru's aunt was at the kitchen cooking lunch.

"Mom! Happy New Year!" Masayuki exclaimed happily in happy greeting.

"Oh, hi, Masayuki-kun, Happy New Year to you too," Tohru's aunt greeted her back upon seeing him, Emiko, and Handa.

"Happy New Year, mom!" Emiko happily greeted her mom as well.

"Hello there, Masayuki's mom," Handa positively and meekly greeted Tohru's aunt.

"Happy New Year to you too, Emiko-chan and Handa-kun," Tohru's aunt greeted Emiko and Handa as well.

Not long after, Tohru's aunt began serving her children and Handa glasses of iced tea with ice.

"Thank you, mom," Masayuki thanked his mom positively as he accepts the glass of cold iced tea and took a sip.

And then, Tohru's other cousins came downstairs whilst asking who was at their house, only to be cold at Masayuki and Emiko and would not go further downstairs. But Pablo, being a serious stepfather to Tohru's other cousins, persuaded them to at least see their younger half-siblings once for a while. Tohru's other cousins then reluctantly and stubbornly agreed and went downstairs and sat next to their grandfather, crossing their arms.

"So, what brings you here, Masayuki?" one of them asked Masayuki in a serious and stubborn tone.

Masayuki then sighed in mild annoyance and facepalmed for a few seconds. "We're here to give you a gift." He then grabbed his plastic bag, get one of the wrapped gifts and gave it to Pablo, telling him that it was a gift to him.

"Wow! This is nice, Masayuki," Pablo commented upon receiving the said gift. He then tear-opened it, revealing a framed picture of Masayuki, Emiko, and Handa with Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki at Shigure's house, complete with a feast-like meal.

"This is nice," he commented on Masayuki's gift positively. "Is this your new friends or something?"

Smiling in feeling being appreciated, Masayuki nodded to say yes and responded back, "Yes, these are Tohru-chan's classmates and our new friends. This is Kyo-kun and Yuki-kun. They are from Tohru's school." The rest of the family, except for Masayuki himself, Emiko, and Handa, then took a peek at it, but suddenly, Tohru's other cousins overreacted that the two men in the picture are the ones who took Tohru away in the past.

"Are you crazy?" Tohru's male cousin commented. "They are the ones who took Tohru away from us!"

"Isn't too obvious?" retorted Masayuki back. "You and big sis are the ones who mistreated Tohru-chan in the past, so it's naturally for her friends to take her away."

"Are you taking their side, Masayuki?" Tohru's female cousin responded back.

Feeling being pissed off, Masayuki replied back harshly, "Of course yes! They're now our friends, and there is nothing for you two to change that!"

"Oh, yeah?" Tohru's male cousin retorted back. "You had a terrible sense of fashion!"

"That was the way I am, damn it!"

And then, Emiko and Handa tried to calm the tension down, but Tohru's male cousin tells them to shut up.

"Don't say that in front of my sister and Handa Sohma, you brat!" Masayuki responded to this.

But then, Tohru's aunt and Pablo tried to calm them down, but it took a little while for Masayuki and Tohru's male cousin to literally calm down a bit.

"Mom, tell Masayuki to straighten his fashion and attitude," Tohru's male cousin told his mother. "Look at him, he's like a gangster!"

"They're cool and I liked them!" Masayuki responded back harshly.

"Please, calm down," Pablo told them. "Will you stop this nonsense. You had been like this since you are kids. Why you two won't reconcile to each other?"

"Because he's different from everyone else," retorted Tohru's male cousin back. "He's not normal."

"Yeah, right, I am a natural person, you know!" Masayuki responded back harshly.

The fight went on for a while, before Pablo managed to quell it successfully. But the result is that Tohru's other cousins got angry at their stepfather and stormed off to their rooms upstairs, slamming their doors very hard.

After that, Pablo and Tohru's aunt and grandfather apologized to Masayuki, Emiko, and Handa for the trouble Tohru's other cousins had caused.

"It's okay, mom, dad, and grandpa," Masayuki normally responded to their apologies. "It's not your fault."

"Yeah, it's not that necessary," Handa agreed with Masayuki. "It was those idiots' fault. They started it."

"You don't have to apologize," Emiko added with concern.

After that, Pablo, Tohru's aunt, and Tohru's grandfather then rise their heads from bowing.

"Thank you so much," Tohru's aunt thanked them in response.

After some time, Masayuki, Emiko, and Handa wavered Masayuki and Emiko's family goodbye, before the three of them left the place and towards Shigure's house, their last stop.