Chapter 25 - Transfer

Days had passed, and it was the end of mid-of-semester exams. For Masayuki, although he got a high score in almost all of his exams, he decided to restart first-year due to a fact that his sister, Emiko, was going to graduate middle school and going to be in high school. Later, before going home, he decided to verbalize that thought to his school principal and teachers.

They were stunned and surprised by his decision.

"But why, Mr. Honda?" the principal asked him.

"You had high scores in your exams and high grades," one of his teachers added as well.

"I want it because I don't want my sister to be alone as a first-year student," Masayuki responded back seriously and boldly, "and plus, I want to transfer to another school upon restarting first-year."

Crossing his fingers, the principal responded, "I see. Very well. If you want to transfer, you have to pass an exam."

"I know, I am ready to take on the exam," replied Masayuki.

"Okay, we'll inform your parents about this."

"Thank you."

Masayuki then bowed for a few seconds, before leaving the office.

Later in the hallways, Masayuki was peacefully walking towards the entrance when Souya catch up with him.

"Hey, Masayuki-kun," she said to him.

"Oh, hey, Souya-chan," Masayuki replied back to her. "How's your exams?"

"I passed, but I got into trouble and I was forced to transfer to another school," answered Souya back.


"Yes, and Kaibara Municipal High School will be my final destination."

"What? That's the school I'm supposed to transfer!"

"Wow, what a strange coincidence we had."

"Yes, so I could be with my sister, who is going to graduate middle school."

"Oh, that's why."


Later, at an intersection, Masayuki wavered goodbye to Souya, before going to Tohru's grandfather's house for a visit.

Upon arriving there, he entered the house via the front door and greeted his mother and grandfather.

"Oh, hi there, Masayuki-kun," Tohru's aunt responded back upon noticing him. "I just got a call from your school. Are you going to transfer to another school as a first-year?"

Taking off his shoes, Masayuki answered back, "Yes, because I wanted to be in the same school as Tohru as well."

"I see. Well, I saw how much you care for her. I can't argue about that."

But, Tohru's other cousins, or Masayuki's half-siblings, are very upset that Masayuki decided to transfer to another school and restart first-year. They eventually accused him for wasting their money on his education, calling him a useless brat.

"I don't care," Masayuki retorted back. "I just wanted to be in the same school as my sister and beloved cousin."

"Oh, you think you would become a novelist if you have that kind of attitude?" Tohru's male cousin asked. "You're pathetic."

"Shut the hell up," Masayuki responded back harshly. "I don't care what people think of me."

"I knew you're useless."


"Hey, stop fighting you two," Tohru's aunt intervened. "It was Masayuki's decision so you can't do anything about it."

"Yes, let Masayuki walk his own path," Tohru's grandfather told them.

This irritates Tohru's other cousins so much that they stormed off to their rooms upstairs and slammed the doors hard.

After that, Tohru's aunt apologized to Masayuki for her children's rude behavior. But, Masayuki told her, "It's alright, mom, you don't have to apologize. That was just nothing."


After some time, Masayuki left his grandfather's house with a goodbye and went straight to Shigure's house for yet another sleepover.

Upon entering the house, Masayuki greeted, "Good evening."

"Welcome back, Masayuki-kun," Shigure greeted him back. "Are you here for a sleepover or something?"

"Yes, for a night," replied Masayuki replied back as he takes off his shoes.

But, Emiko, Handa, and Momiji are already there so they only gave him a greeting of a good evening.

"Hey, guys," Masayuki responded back in greetings.

"Hello!" Momiji responded back happily.

"Oh, you must be Momiji, right?" Masayuki asked him.

"Yes, how did you know my name?"

"Handa Sohma told me about you. You're so cute."

Momiji then smiled at him.

After that, Masayuki settled down at the dining room, with Tohru giving him a drink.

"So, guys, guess what?" Masayuki announced to them.

Everyone in the house then looked at him, paying attention.

Masayuki then took a deep breath and continued, "I'll be taking the transfer exams in order to get to Kaibara Municipal High School."

This shock them a lot.

"You mean you're transferring, Masa-kun?"

"That's the school dad was going to enroll me."

"You mean our school, Masayuki-kun?"

Masayuki then smiled. "Yes, so I could be closer to Emiko-chan and Tohru-chan, and plus, I'll be restarting first-year."

"But why, Masa-kun?" Tohru asked in response and in concern. "You had good grades."

"Well, I wasted one school year being in this chaotic mess," Masayuki responded back, "so I might need a fresh start. But, I'll be fine if I was held back for a year."

This calms them down.

"Oh, okay then."

"Good luck with your transfer exams, Masayuki-kun."

Their positive feedbacks make Masayuki smile once more.

The next day, at Tohru's school, Masayuki, who was with his father, was taking the transfer exams with ease, due to his long history of self-learning and online education. Actually, Masayuki learned a lot via online videos than in traditional education, and was a hard-working student from a young age. He learned to speak and write in English and Tagalog at the age of 7 and Japanese in the age of 8. Furthermore, when he and his sister are in elementary, Pablo enrolled them in a special school for biracial children like them, which Tohru's other cousins looked down on. As a result, he was very smart and knows a lot of vocabulary.

By afternoon, Masayuki and his father came back to the school to see the results. And the results were…astonishing amazing. He was in first place among other transfer students. When Masayuki seen his place on the board, he was overjoyed by it and gave Pablo a deep hug for a couple of seconds.

"I'm in first place, dad!" he said to his father.

"Congratulations, son, you did a great job," Pablo replied back to him.

After that, Masayuki decided to see Souya's rank, and he quickly found out that she was in 11th place on the board.

"Wow, I think she did a pretty good job," he thought to himself.

After that, Masayuki decided to go to Shigure's house to tell them of his great achievement. Pablo really agreed to his doings, knowing that these things made him happy. So, he dropped Masayuki at the street not too far from Shigure's house and went to his workplace. Excited, Masayuki ran up the stairs and slide the door open while shouting happily, "I'm back! I was in first-place!"

Upon seeing him, everyone in the house, including Emiko and Handa, are very delighted at this good news.

"Wow, congratulations, Mr. Honda."

"That's great, big brother."

Taking off his shoes, Masayuki went up to the dining room and asked where is Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki.