Chapter 29 - Unleashing Chaos

Not long after, after the entrance ceremony, Masayuki and his group are walking down the hallway, and Momiji went ahead of them to meet up with Tohru and Kyo.

"Wait, Momiji-kun!" Masayuki said to him, but to no avail.

And as Momiji ran towards Tohru and Kyo, Tohru greeted him, but Kyo punched him for wearing a girl's uniform.

Masayuki, Emiko, Souya, and Handa heard Kyo's shouting at Momiji and went ahead of Hatsuharu to see if Momiji was alright.

Arriving there, we saw Momiji being held by Kyo, and Masayuki said to him, "Kyo-senpai, what are you doing?"

Tohru saw Masayuki and the others, and said to them, "Oh, guys, we need your help. Kyo-kun can't calm down."

"Why is that?" Handa asked back.

Looking at his brother with an angry face, Kyo responded back, "This one is wearing a girl's uniform."

This surprises Masayuki and the others.

"How could I didn't notice that?"

"Really? A girl's uniform?"

Hatsuharu then came in time, showing off his uniform with accessories.

"Hatsuharu-san!" Tohru said to him.

But, Kyo facepalmed because of his fashion. He then let go of Momiji, and Momiji called him a meanie.

Kyo then expressed his disgust on Momiji's and Hatsuharu's fashion.

"What's wrong with that, Kyo-senpai?" Masayuki said to Kyo. "I liked their fashion. It doesn't matter at all."

"Is that because you wear obscure colors?" Kyo asked back seriously.


"And also, did you just call me senpai?"

"Oh, because I knew that you, Tohru-chan, and Yuki-senpai are now in second-year. Is that okay?"

"Well, it's okay if you call me like that."


And then, Yuki came and commented on their fashion. Hatsuharu then ran to him and said something to him.

Looking at them, Tohru said to Masayuki and Emiko, "So, you two are now first-year students here, right?"

"Yeah, we are, alongside Handa-kun," Emiko responded with a smile. "And also, Souya-chan."

With that, Tohru looked at Souya and asked, "You too as well?"

"Well, yeah," Souya retorted back, "I got into trouble at my previous school, and I was forced to change schools."

"I see then."

After that, Masayuki happily said to Tohru and the others, "I'm happy to be in this school with you guys."

"What would your family think about you restarting an entire school year, and transferring here?" Kyo asked him.

"They are okay with that," Masayuki responded back, "but my half-siblings considered it as a waste of money. But still, I don't care. I just want to be with Tohru-chan and be in the same school as Emiko-chan and Handa Sohma."

"I see."

And then, suddenly, a student named Makoto and two girls came to them and berated Momiji for wearing a girl's uniform. This makes Momiji sad, and Tohru had to intervene in his behalf. Makoto then berated her for taking Momiji's side. After that, he looked at Masayuki, Emiko, Handa, and Souya, and examined their appearances.

"Hmmm," he commented, "you four seem to be wearing in the right way."

But then, he noticed Masayuki's skin being a bit darker than those of full Japanese.

"Wait a minute, why is your skin a bit darker?" he asked Masayuki in a bit of suspicion. "And what are you? A biracial?"

"Um, I am a biracial," Masayuki answered him honestly, "a half-Filipino, half-Japanese. My mom is a Japanese and my dad is a Filipino. My little sister is also a biracial."

"I see. That's why."

He then looked at Handa and Souya, and told them to dye their hair black.

"Hey! That's our natural hair color!" Handa retorted back seriously.

"Yeah! My mom is a half-Filipino," Souya added as well.

"I can't buy that," Makoto responded back.

"They never dyed their hair," Masayuki said to Makoto, "so that's their natural hair color."

"Will you please shut up?" Makoto told him off.

He then kept saying some not-so-nice things, until Hartsuharu turned dark and told him to shut up. While Kyo was terrified, Makoto slowly turned around with fear. Hatsuharu then insulted him for saying such things to Momiji, Masayuki, Emiko, Souya, and Handa.

Makoto then fell to the ground, and Hatsuharu asked him some peculiar questions. After that, he grabbed him by his clothes, and asked him who he really was.

And then, Kyo intervened and told him off. But, Hatsuharu told him to shut up. Kyo then said something back, and they had an argument. While Masayuki and the others are watching, Momiji offered some lollipop.

After that, Hatsuharu made the two girls imagined Momiji being a man, in which they fell for it, upsetting Makoto as well. He then accused Hatsuharu of unleashing chaos and breaking the school rules.

To the first part, Masayuki thought in his mind, "Seriously? Okay, where's the chaos?"

Hatsuharu then said something back to Makoto, who then considered it as unacceptable. And so, Hatsuharu asked Makoto what he would say if Yuki wears a girl's uniform, in which he imagined. This pisses Yuki and threaten to cut ties with Hatsuharu. Hatsuharu then told him that it was a diversion.

After that, Makoto changed tactics and assumed that Hatsuharu's hair color is not natural. In response to that, Hatsuharu dragged him to a restroom. Moments later, they heard Makoto scream for unknown reasons. After that, Makoto and Hatsuharu came out and Makoto was stunned at what Hatsuharu did to him. After that, Makoto and the two girls retreated, with Makoto promising a retribution against them.

After that, Souya asked, "What the hell was all about?"

"Yeah, I had no idea what happened inside that restroom," Masayuki added as well.

"Oh, I did something to convince him," Hatsuharu retorted back.

"Did what?" Masayuki asked back.

"You'll never find out."

After that, he flirted with Tohru, causing Kyo and Yuki to punch him for that.

Then, the school bell rang, and they all went back to their respective classes, with Masayuki being excited for his first day in class.