Chapter 37 - Ayame Sohma

Not long after, Masayuki asked Shigure and Kyo where are Tohru and Yuki.

"Oh, there are at Yuki's little garden," Shigure answered back. "They're doing some gardening."

"Wow, gardening?" Masayuki replied back positively. "I would love to help out."

"Sure, sure."

With that, Masayuki stand up and said to Emiko, "Let's go, Emiko-chan."

"Okay, big brother," Emiko replied back.

She then stand up, and she and Masayuki went outside to Yuki's garden.

Shortly thereafter, Masayuki and Emiko arrived at Yuki's garden, greeting, "Hi, Tohru-chan, Yuki-senpai."

Tohru and Yuki then looked at them, and Yuki responded, "Masayuki-kun? Emiko-chan?"

"What are you doing here, Masa-kun?" Tohru asked.

Smiling at them, Masayuki answered back, "We're here to help out."

"Oh, okay then," Yuki replied. "Can you two remove the weeds?"

"Sure thing, Yuki-senpai," Emiko responded.

She and Masayuki then started to remove the weeds from the plants by hand and threw them aside.

"It's been a few days since we had an encounter with Akito-san," Masayuki thought to himself.

"Big brother, do you think Yuki-senpai is okay now?" Emiko asked Masayuki.

Looking at Yuki, Masayuki replied, "I think he is, Emiko-chan."

Then, Tohru decided to go back to Shigure's house to make some food. But, along the way, she saw a set of clothes laying on the ground. After picking them up, she quickly assumed that it belongs to one of the Sohma zodiac members. Then, a white snake, which is actually Ayame Sohma, the older brother of Yuki, crawled into her clothes, causing her to scream. This alerts Yuki, Masayuki, and Emiko, and they ran towards her while Yuki asked her what is wrong.

"There's something crawling in my back!" Tohru answered back.

Then, Ayame popped out in front of Yuki, Masayuki, and Emiko.

"Woah, what?" Masayuki commented while being surprised. "A white snake?"

In the meantime, back at Shigure's house, after Kagura left, Kyo was feeling hungry.

"Come on, big brother," Handa said to him, "be patient. They're gonna be back."

Then, after Shigure offered some "nutritious" food, Kyo slapped the bowl from his hand while complaining.

When Shigure responded to Kyo how he was wasting food, Handa thought in commenting, "Really, Shigure-san?"

Then, Yuki came holding Ayame and told Shigure to cook it.

Readjusting his glasses, Shigure quickly recognized it as Ayame. Tohru, Masayuki, and Emiko came in time. But, Yuki kept on insisting.

"Yuki-senpai, wait," Masayuki said to Yuki, "you can't cook a snake."