Chapter 43 – Going to the Cemetery

May came, and it's the day before Kyoko's first death anniversary for Tohru. While Tohru's relatives didn't care about Kyoko's demise, Masayuki decided to break that societal norm for Tohru's sake, despite criticisms from them for being selfishly stupid. But Masayuki doesn't care at all.

Then, on that afternoon after school, Masayuki and Emiko went to their grandfather's house for a visit. There Masayuki rang the doorbell, and Tohru's aunt picked it up.

"Oh, hi there, Masa-kun, Emi-chan," she greeted positively.

"Hi, mom," Masayuki positively greeted back. "We're here for a visit."

"Okay, come in."

Masayuki and Emiko did so, and Tohru's aunt closed the door.

In the living room, Masayuki and Emiko greeted their grandfather, and did their Filipino way and custom of respect to him, before doing the same thing to their mother.

"So, what do you want to drink?" Tohru's aunt asked. "Coffee or tea?"

"Coffee, with condensed milk," answered Masayuki back, "please."

"Me too as well, please," Emiko nicely and politely added.

"Okay," Tohru's aunt replied back, before going to the kitchen to make coffee for them.

After that, Masayuki and Emiko placed their bags on the sofa and sat down.

"So, how's your school life?" Tohru's grandfather asked them.

"Pretty fine, grandpa," Masayuki answered back. "I became a club leader."

"I see. Well, I never been a club leader when I was your age."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, neither your half-siblings or mother or uncle Katsuya."

"I see," Emiko responded to this.

Just then, Tohru's aunt came back to the living room with two mugs of hot coffee with condensed milk and served them to her children.

"Thanks, mom," Masayuki responded as he and Emiko received the mugs, before taking a sip.

Masayuki tasted the sweetness of the coffee thanks to the condensed milk.

"So, how's Tohru?" Tohru's aunt asked.

"Oh, she's doing fine, with her caring friends," answered Masayuki back. "Nothing bad happened to her."

"I see."

"Also, how's elder brother and big sis? How's their school life?"

"Well," Tohru's aunt responded while thinking, "they're doing well."

"I hoped they would achieve their dream careers," Masayuki replied back. "I want to support their careers despite their hatred of me."

"Okay then, whatever you say."

"And also, how's dad?"

"He's quite busy with work."

"Well, I hoped that elder brother and big sis would be grateful that dad paid for their tuition."

"Yeah, I hoped so."

After that, Masayuki said to his mother and grandfather, "I'm going to the cemetery to pay respects to Aunt Kyoko."

"Oh really? Are you sure about that?" Tohru's aunt asked back with concern. "I mean, does your beliefs agree with that?"

"That's okay, that means cultural respect." Masayuki explained back.

"I see. Okay, whatever you say."


"I'll clean her gravestone then," Tohru's grandfather said to them.

"Okay, grandpa."

After finishing their coffee drink, Masayuki and Emiko left the house as their mother and grandfather wavered goodbye to them. They went to Masayuki's workplace for his part-time job while Emiko will stay until his shift is over.

The next morning, at 6 in the morning, Masayuki and Emiko worn their dark clothes and left their apartment home and went to Shigure's house. Later on, they and Tohru, Kyo, Handa, and Yuki are now walking to the cemetery.

"Man, I'm so excited to see your mom's grave," Masayuki commented to Tohru.

"Yeah, thanks for coming, Masa-kun," Tohru responded while smiling at him.

"Yeah, we're here for you, senpai," Handa said to Tohru.

"Oh, thanks a lot, Handa-kun," Tohru replied back.