Chapter 55 – Similarity and Sympathy

 Later, at Shigure's house, Hatsuharu was bandaging Tohru's hand. Yuki then demanded Kisa, who was at the corner of the dining room, to apologize to Tohru. 

 "It's okay, senpai," Masayuki tried to defuse the situation. 

Hatsuharu then explained that Kisa stopped talking shortly after entering middle school. 

Tohru and Masayuki were stunned with shock to hear that. 

And then, Kisa went to them and bit Hatsuharu in his right arm, causing Tohru and Masayuki to be shocked. 

 "Uh, does that h-hurt, Hatsu-kun?" Masayuki asked frantically. 

After that, he reached his hand towards Kisa, who then bit it, too. 

 "A-Are you okay, Masa-kun?" Tohru asked. 

 "Why did you do that, Kisa?" Hatsuharu asked. 

Trying to endure the pain, Masayuki replied with tears flowing from his eyes, "Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine." 

He then thought, "What's up with these zodiac animals?" 

And then, Kisa let go and ran off. 

While Tohru was panicking that Masayuki's hand and Hatsuharu's arm are bleeding, Shigure said to her that he'll do it for her so she would go off and search for Kisa. But when Tohru did find her, Kisa just bit her hand again. 

Tohru then tried to endure the pain. 

 Later, it was revealed that Kisa will stay at Shigure's house, much to Kyo and Handa's surprise. Handa was happy because he was worried about Kisa a lot since he and Kisa had something in common: they couldn't fit in and were shy. At the same time, Masayuki decided to be a big brother for Kisa as well, so as Emiko, who will be Kisa's older sister.

 The next day, at school, at the rooftop at lunch time, Momiji revealed their difficulties of trying to fit in in Japanese society. Masayuki and Tohru understood this. And then, Masayuki decided to reveal to them his biracial identity out of sympathy. Moments later, they, except for Emiko, Souya, and Handa, were very surprised to hear that. 


 "You're not a citizen here, Masa-kun?" 

 "I did not know that." 

 "Yes, and I am a Filipino by citizenship, despite having dual nationalities," Masayuki admitted. "I know how difficult it was to fit in as well." 

He then continued eating his Kare-Kare meal with rice and cucumber slices. 

 "Yes, we know it very well," Emiko added. 

 "I already know that, too," Souya responded.

 "Guys, I'm the only one who knows their true identity," Handa admitted. 

 "Why would hide it from us, Handa?" Yuki asked him. 

 "Sorry, I thought it would be bad if I did that." 

 "That's okay, Handa-kun," Tohru said to Handa in comforting, "it didn't matter at all." 

 "Yeah, and I think they are cool to be biracials, like me," Momiji added. 

 "Thanks," Handa responded. 

 "Thanks, Momiji-kun," Masayuki added. "We're proud of our father's culture and language." 

 "What language?" Momiji asked. 


 "Oh, that sounds difficult to learn, isn't?" 

 "Yes, it's difficult and complicated, but it's fun to learn that."

Momiji then looked at Masayuki's food. "Is that food from that country?" 

 "Yes, this is called Kare-Kare, a dish with peanut butter in it," Masayuki explained in response. 

He bought that dish as a meal from a Filipino restaurant where he was a patron of it. He supports businesses owned by Filipinos due to his spirit of bayanihan. 

While Tohru couldn't comprehend that word, Momiji and Hatsuharu are amazed to see a dish with peanut butter in it. 

At this point, Masayuki felt being appreciated. 

 Later, when he found that he was free after school, Masayuki, alongside Hatsuharu, Emiko, and Yuki, went to Shigure's house to be with Kisa for a while. Seeing Masayuki's smile other than Tohru's, Kisa saw how kind he was as an older brother. 

 "Big brother..." she uttered. Masayuki was delighted to hear that and promised to be with her until she recovered emotionally and mentally, much to Kisa's happiness. 

Emiko, too, promised that as well.