Chapter 57 – A Helping Hand

 Not long after, Mitsu was inside and tries to calm down, Shigure gave her his finished manuscript of his latest book, much to her happy relief. But, things took a turn for the worse when Ritsu accidentally spilled a cup of drink onto Shigure's manuscript. This causes Mitsu to freak out and fainted. Freaking out that it was his fault, Ritsu ran out of the house and climbed to the rooftop to end his life of suffering. Masayuki, Tohru, Emiko, Yuki, and Shigure ran out outside to see this. Masayuki was worried about him and hopes that he will stop doing it in his mind. 

Then, Tohru climbs the rooftop and tries to persuade him not to do it and shares her life with him. 

Eventually, Ritsu stopped what he was doing and climbed down.

 Later, while Shigure was rewriting the manuscript, Masayuki was recovering some of the pages by painstakingly trying to copy them word-for-word, but with some edits in terms of grammar. He used his Japanese dictionary for some words in kanji. A bit later, after writing over 11 pages of it, he tears 2 blank pages from his notepad and jotted some editing notes for Mitsu. After that, he gave the 11 pages to Shigure. "Here, I finished most of them." 

Receiving the papers, Shigure responded, "Oh, okay. Did you rewrite most of them?" 

 "For the most part. I copied the rest word-for-word." 

 "Ah, I see." 

At that time, Handa came from his karate lessons.

 Later, after Mitsu had the manuscript, Mitsu is about to leave when Masayuki came and gave her the editing notes. "Here, so you could edit them." Mitsu then accepted it and reads it, including what to edit at some parts of a specific page. 

 "You rewrote most of them?" she asked. 

 "Yes, so I could help out, you know," Masayuki answered with a reason. 

 "I see. Maybe I should include you on the cover once it was published." 

 "Eh? You don't need to do that. I just loved to help out, that's all." 

After that, Mitsu asked him for his name.

 "Oh, my name is Masayuki Honda," Masayuki responded with an introduction. "I am a half-Filipino, half-Japanese. Full name: Masayuki Torre Roxas-Honda."

Mitsu was stunned to hear such strange names. "What? You're not a Japanese citizen actually?"

Masayuki then nodded. "Yes."

 "Okay then. My name is Mitsu."

 "Oh, nice to meet you, Mitsu-san."

After that, Mitsu left the scene.

But Masayuki didn't know that this act will give him another part-time job to earn more money for the future.