Chapter 66 – Tohru is sick?!

 Later, at the office while working as a part-time junior editor when, all of a sudden, Masayuki received a phone call from Shigure. He was shocked because…

 "What?! Tohru-chan is sick?"

His coworkers heard his loud response so Masayuki apologized to them, before standing up and going outside of the office.

There he replied to Shigure, "Is she okay?"

 "Yes, she's resting," responded Shigure back. "She has a high temperature."

 "I see. I'll be there tonight."

 "Okay, you cared for her, aren't you?"

 "Yes, I am."

And so, they ended their phone call.

Masayuki then went back to work.

 Later, at Shigure's house, Handa, Momiji, and Kisa are worried about Tohru as Hatori injects some flu shots for her. Handa worries the most, alongside Kisa. Then, Masayuki came, only to hear some weird singing from Shigure and Momiji from upstairs.

 "What was that?" Masayuki asked while taking off his necktie.

 "Just some stupid song," Kyo replied back.

 "Okay then."

Then, Masayuki went upstairs and knocked on Tohru's door.

 "Come in," Tohru responded.

The door was opened, and her loving and supportive cousin came in.

 "Oh, Masa-kun."

 "Big brother," Kisa greeted.

 "Masayuki-kun, hey there," Handa added.

Masayuki then smiled. "Hey, guys, how are you?"

 "I'm fine, Masa-kun," Tohru replied, "I'm just sick."

 "Yeah, I heard that from Shigure-san."

 "Eh, he called you?"

 "Yeah, he did." Handa folded his arms.

Masayuki then put his hand on Tohru's forehead for her current temperature.

 "Oh, it's now going down," he commented. "Was it high from last time?"

 "Yes, it was," Tohru softly replied back with a positive smile.

 "Okay, did you take any medicine?"

 "Yes, and Hatori-san gave me a flu shot, too."

 "Is that so?"

As they watched their back-and-forth conversation, Kisa commented, "It seems that they are very close with one another."

 "Yes, they are, as if they are siblings," Handa positively replied with agreement.

 "They are?" Kisa glanced at him.

 "No, they are cousins in real life."

 "Oh, okay."

Then, Yuki came with a notebook for Tohru.

 "Oh, hey senpai," Masayuki greeted positively.

 "Hi there, Masayuki-kun," Yuki replied back, "I'm here because Honda-san had failed an exam."


Masayuki then looked at Tohru. "You did?"

Tohru was a bit ashamed. "Yeah, I did. I'm sorry if I was a disgrace to you. I mean, cous wants to be a police officer and a fashion designer and…"

But, Masayuki placed his hands on her shoulders. "It's okay, Tohru-chan, you can do it and just do your best. There's a makeup test, right? Let's study together so you can pass it, okay?"

Yuki and Kisa are stunned by his words.

Handa was positive instead.

Because of this, Tohru positively nodded. "You're right. I'll do my best."

"That's the spirit!"

Tohru's motivation came back like electricity.