Chapter 68 – Study session with Yuki and Masayuki

 Later, in the afternoon, Tohru is now feeling better, and this allowed her to study for the upcoming makeup test so she could try to pass the exam she failed yesterday. Luckily for her, Masayuki and Yuki will act as her tutors and help out in her studies. Masayuki introduced methods of his own, including flashcards, so Tohru would study more efficiently. Yuki was surprised to see that Masayuki knows better in what it takes to study for an exam. One of Masayuki's methods is to write down whatever he can remember from memory on a piece of paper and doing some revisions on parts he had missed out in his papers. That method, alongside memorizing and flashcards, really help Tohru a lot, and she was now getting more motivated and determined in her studies for the makeup test.

Kisa, Souya, and Handa are there in Tohru's room joining. Kisa wanted to learn from Masayuki because she had heard from Hiro that he was smart in Japanese and Math. For Handa and Souya, they wanted to improve their English language skills and to learn Tagalog from Masayuki as well. As a result, the three of them became Masayuki's students, and Masayuki proved to be a good tutor and teacher to them and Tohru.

 The study session lasted until 4:26 p.m., and that included a 14-minute snack break consisting of mochi and banana cupcakes, which were bought by Emiko from a bakeshop in the city. After that, they all had a break and dinner time. By the time dinner time was over, they continued their study session until 9:43 p.m. Kyo noticed it a few times throughout the afternoon, but it seemed that he wasn't envious of Yuki as well. Shigure made jokes about Yuki and Masayuki being popular teachers at Tohru's school, which Kyo was angrily annoyed by.

 So, by the next day, Tohru took her makeup test at school. She answered with positive confidence. And then, after that, at 10:22 a.m., she received her scores from her makeup test. Then, she was surprised that she got 97 points on that test of second chances. She was very happy, and Kyo, Yuki, Saki, and Arisa, alongside Masayuki, Emiko, Momiji, Hatsuharu, and Handa, were happy for her as well. Her efforts had paid off very well.