Chapter 82 - Masayuki's bank account

Third person POV

 A bit later, Momiji arrives at Tohru's classroom but does some shenanigan stuff before revealing to them what had happened in his classroom. Kyo, Yuki, and Tohru were alerted and went to his classroom with him. There Kyo intervened and punched Hatsuharu for trying to intimidate and hurt Tohru. Then, those two were about to fight when Mayuko poured a bucket of water on them. After that, Tohru realized about Masayuki, Emiko, Handa, and Souya and asked Momiji about them.

 "Oh, they went to the school infirmary because Masayuki-kun got hit in the back with a chair by Dark Haru while saving me," Momiji answered back.

Tohru and her friends were shocked to hear that.


 "No way!"

 "Is Masayuki-kun okay?"

 "Yes, it seems to be," replied Momiji back with concern. "His back hurts a lot, I guess."

 Because of that, Tohru and her friends went to the infirmary. There the three of them saw Masayuki on a bed while Emiko and the others are talking to the school nurse. Masayuki was moaning in pain. So, Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki entered in and asked them if Masayuki is okay. Masayuki heard that and looked at them while lying on the bed in pain. "Yeah…"

Emiko and the others then looked at Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki.

 "Oh, oni-chan!" Handa responded to Kyo. "You won't believe what had happened."

 "Yeah, yeah, Handa-kun," replied Kyo back a bit sheepishly.

 "Is that so?" Emiko asked him. "Did Momiji-kun told you that?"

 "Yes, Emiko-chan," responded Yuki. "Is Masayuki's back that painful?"

Emiko then looked at her older brother and back at Yuki. "Yes, it was that painful, but not up to the point of a broken spine."

The nurse confirmed it as well.

 To that Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki sighed in relief. After that, Hatsuharu was suspended for causing chaos in the classroom while Masayuki was allowed to have a few days off from class so he could recover. Then, the school informed Pablo about Masayuki and his injury. Pablo was shocked and immediately went to the school to see his son. When Masayuki revealed to his father the reason behind his back pain, Pablo was stunned but commended his heroism for that. Also, he also forgave Hatsuharu for hurting his son, much to Hatsuharu's relief. And so, Pablo took Masayuki home, but Masayuki asked him to take him to Shigure's house instead. Pablo agreed, and later at Shigure's house at noon, Masayuki was now laying down on Handa's bed. At first, Shigure, upon hearing what had happened to him, chuckled in mischief and teasing about it but regrets it when Kyo, Yuki, and Handa lashed out at him for that.

 After that, Pablo announced to Emiko and others. "I'll be withdrawing some money from my bank account and some from Masayuki's to buy some painkillers for him." With that, he left the house to do so. An hour later, he came back with painkillers and bank books from a Filipino bank called Buhay Bank. When Shigure, Tohru, and Kyo saw the logo on those bank books, they were stunned to see how different it was. Actually, Pablo had set and opened bank accounts in the said bank for Masayuki and Emiko when both of them are in elementary school. But for Tohru's other cousins, it was considered ridiculous and a useless thing without common sense or pride, despite the fact that Japanese banks process transactions slower than in Filipino ones.

 "That bank was different…" Tohru said to her uncle.

 "What bank is that?" Yuki asked while examining the logo of Buhay Bank.

 "This one is called Buhay Bank," answered Pablo back. "It is a Filipino bank."

 "There is a foreign bank here in this country?" Kyo asked.

Pablo then nodded. "Yes, there is, because when I saw how Japanese banks, including the biggest ones, work and process their transactions, plus their interest rates, I decided that those are not worth to open new accounts for Masayuki and Emiko."

He then showed his children's balance in their bank books to them for a few seconds.

Some of the entries in Masayuki's bank book are transferred money from the story and writing platform he used to publish his stories.