Chapter 84 – Masayuki’s Resistance to Japanese Societal Thorns

Third person POV

 Tohru's other cousins were shocked and angry, as well as wet in water from Masayuki's glass. Mayuko and the others were taken aback by his outburst. "Masayuki!" Hatori responded to this.

"Woah…" Mayuko was stunned with surprise.

 "You stupid brat!" Tohru's male cousin responded to this as his younger sister gave him a towel.

 "That's for being rude," Masayuki replied back while putting his glass down.

 "You don't care about our family pride!" his older half-sister responded back harshly. "We felt humiliated because of you!"

 "Oh, did I?" 

 "You're so hard to teach…"


Tohru's other cousins had long known that Masayuki was stubborn to conform fully to certain Japanese societal norms.

Masayuki was adamant about keeping his cultural heritage and values, viewing some Japanese societal viewpoints and norms as thorns, like thorns on a red rose.

 But then, Masayuki's rage and his older stepsiblings' argument were heard by Tohru and the others from the first floor. Concerned and curious, Tohru and Kyo went upstairs to Handa's room, only to be taken aback by the argument between family members. Hiro liked Masayuki's resistance, while Kisa was worried for her older brother figure. Handa couldn't do anything else other than trying to calm their heated argument.

 "What happened here?" Tohru asked.

 "What's going on here?" Kyo added.

Mayuko and Hatori looked at them.

 "Masayuki-kun and his stepsiblings were arguing."

 "It seemed that Masayuki refused to regret his doing on them."

Tohru then looked at her other cousins, seeing that the older, male one was a bit wet. "What happened to you, cous?" 

 "Kuya splashed water on him and his younger sister," Emiko responded back.

 "That stupid kid had no concern for his reputation!" her older stepsister added angrily.

 "Hey! Apologize to Masayuki-kun, now!" Kyo snapped at her and her older brother.

Handa and Momiji then said to the two other cousins, agreeing with Kyo.

 But Tohru's other cousins refused, trying to blame Masayuki. Because of this, Handa snapped and pulled out his phone. "Oh, yeah? I had the phone number of your Filipino stepfather, so I'll call him to tell him what you guys did to him and us!" Handa had it since Pablo gave him his phone number, wanting to connect with him. Kyo was stunned at his younger brother's copycat of his attitude and was positive. Tohru and some in the room were taken aback by Handa's threat. Due to Handa's threat, Tohru's cousins had no choice but to apologize to Masayuki and everyone in the room.

 "It's okay," Masayuki solemnly and calmly replied back. "Sorry for raging out, too. Just don't be selfish, okay? I'll be going back to school and work once I am better."

His resistance to Japanese societal norms in terms of work and studying non-stop, as well as the sheer competition to get to Japan's top universities, and thus, going into the country's largest companies with high salaries and lifetime employment.

Masayuki, however, rejected these norms of competition for prestige and preferred to take an alternative, practical approach: go to a university overseas and then work in a normal, foreign company in Japan after graduation.

Tohru and Kyo were stunned at his resistance, and Emiko and Handa, having similar goals as Masayuki, explained to them about Masayuki's beliefs.