Lunch and her scary side

"Okay, enough emotional stuff. I just saw your fridge and how do I say this," I paused a bit and she looked up at me. Her eyes were soft and a little wet from the story before. "I am just disappointed in you Ai."

She pouted at the remark and then squeezed me hard almost breaking my back. Vampire abilities while only drinking blood my foot, how is she so strong right now? Did just a little of my blood do this to her?

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, Ai-san, you will kill me like this. Is this your way of protecting me?" I said to her with my back still being crushed.

"It's Kazuki-kun's fault for saying that," she said pouting and averting her gaze still not letting me go.

"Okay, I admit it. Now, do you mind losing your grip? I will probably die from this one," I said and she loosened her grip around my back. "And maybe let go."

"No," she said with a childish voice snuggled to my chest.

I let out a sigh and made her leave me but it did take some time. She is really persistent. I then turned around and saw the time and it was time for having lunch. Right now, I have to go and buy the ingredients and then quickly make lunch. What should I make? Something that I can make quickly.

While thinking this, the doorbell chimed and I looked at Ai who had a smile on her face. She went to the door and opened it, a man was standing there with something in his hand. Ai took that from him and then handed him money. After doing this, she turned around facing me and I could tell that smell anywhere.

"You ordered pizza?" I asked her and she nodded her head. "When did you even order it?"

"Oh, I ordered it on my way to the hospital and told them to deliver it by around this time," she said walking towards the dining table and placing it down. "Kazuki-kun still needs to rest so I will not let him do anything right now. You can cook for tomorrow because the dinner is already decided by me."

"Which is?"

"A surprise."

I let out a sigh and sat down with her. She passed me the pizza box and I opened it. How long has it been since I last had a nice pizza? Seeing the pizza, my mouth dropped.

"Oh no, you didn't...."

How did she even know this? She had ordered a pepperoni pizza but the most notable part about it was the ridiculous amount of cheese on it. That is what I love to eat. I feel that no amount of cheese on a pizza is too much.

"I said, didn't I? I know everything about Kazuki-kun," Ai said with a grin on her face as she ordered a plain cheese pizza.

She took out a slice from it and then stared at it and then her face turned red for some reason. She looked at me who was about to stuff the slice in my mouth.

"Kazuki-kun," she called out my name and held the pizza slice before my face. "Say Ahh."

"Why are you doing this? I can feed myself you know?" I asked her and she pouted her face.

"Just eat it already, I don't do it much so you should be grateful, hmph," she said averting her face.

"What is with this tsundere line?" I asked her and let out a sigh. "Ahh."

Her face lit up and she fed me the slice. The one she ordered tasted a bit bland but it was not really bad. If you were to put some seasoning on it, it would be really good. That is what I thought. I looked at my pizza slice and smirked.

"Ai, say ahh," I said pointing the pizza at her face.

"Eh...b-but Kazuki-kun..." she said as her face turned red."I have not prepared my heart for this situation."

"It's unfair that Ai is the only one who gets an indirect kiss," I said in a teasing voice and she looked at the slice she took a bite out from and turned fuming red. Cute.

"I-If Kazuki-kun says so," she said and took a bite and covered her mouth with her hand chewing it elegantly with her face flushed.

I looked at the slice that she took a bite from and then I remembered the words of wisdom of Natsumi-san. She has already kissed me, though out of nowhere but it did happen so something like this should not concern me, right? Wrong.

I was hesitating from taking a bite out of it but ended up eating from that and it did not taste any different. Then what was the fuss about this in the mangas? They lied to me!

We continued to eat our pizzas talking about some things from time to time. What were two boxes of pizza earlier were now two poxes of pizza minus the pizza. That just hit the spot. I leaned back and almost fell down forgetting that there was no back support on these chairs. I have no idea why this was but I can't really complain, can I? I get to stay in such a grand apartment so I am happy about it.

Thinking about it, I had some time in hand so what should I do? I looked at Ai who looked back at me and I noticed that there was some pizza crumb on her face. I leaned forward and with tissue nearby, wiped it off. When I sat back, I saw her face completely red and she was looking down and then I realized just what I did unconsciously. I am such an idiot.

"So, what to do now?" I asked trying to change the topic.

"Hmm, well I rented some movies so we can watch that or maybe..." she said licking her lip."We can also have a little session right now."

"Of what?" I asked her being a bit concerned about her changing personality. It is as if she has two different personalities who open one at a time.


What is this? I don't like where this is going. Why is she giggling? Ai stood up from her seat and then approached me while swaying her hips from side to side. She came beside me and then sat on the table and crossed her legs. I could see them right near my neck and there was a little smug on her face.

She raised her leg and placed it before my face. What is she trying to do?

"Here you go Kazuki-kun," she said.

I looked at her smooth slender legs and her plump thighs and gulped averting my eyes. Now that I think about it, I didn't really ask this question to her, did I?

"Hey Ai, what will you do if were to ever reject your confession?" I asked her because this one question was lingering in my brain for some time.

I mean, she is doing all this because she says that she loves me and that is why she wants to protect me then what if I don't love her back? What will happen then? I had some scenarios in my mind and they all did not end well primarily due to the fact that she is a vampire. She might just kill me by drinking all my blood, who knows?

I looked at Ai and her expression darkened. Her eyes turned lifeless and dull as she emitted a really strong killing intent which made me retract my body where it was. She raised her hand and then extended it as she went and grabbed my neck and slid my collar away exposing my shoulder. Her red eyes were glowing a lot and she had a crazed expression on her face. Her grip started getting tighter on my shoulder to the point that she might as well just crush it.

"If that were to happen," she said in a low, cold voice. "I will then suck all of your blood and then kill myself. I won't let anyone else take my Kazuki-kun away from me and I will destroy anyone who tries to do so even if it is Kazuki-kun himself."

Her voice was scary and her expression didn't tell that she was lying. When she said about even killing me, I could see the craziness in her eyes. Though, I cannot think about all that right now since I need to calm Ai down because my shoulder will be crushed if I don't.

I placed my other hand on her hand gently and started taking her hand off my shoulder. It was not a forced movement but rather a slow and gentle one which was perfect in this situation. She lets go of my shoulder but was still holding onto my hand.

"I see, you know I am kind of happy that someone really loves me this much," I said in a soft non-offensive voice because calming Ai down was most important which was working.


"Look Ai, you are beautiful, have a lovely personality, you are good in academics and sports so understand yourself just how out of my league I think you are for me," I said to her as she had a sad expression on her face.

"If that is so, then I will change how I look, I will even stop being good at--"

"That is not what I meant to say," I interrupted her. She sounded restless and desperate hearing my words before. "What I meant is that if someone like you who I think is leaps beyond my league will confess to me, do you think I will really reject your feeling?"

Hearing that, her face lit up. She wore a big smile and her face heats up a little. She looked like a little kid who got his favorite thing and it was quite a cute side.

"Sooner or later, I know I will probably accept your feelings Ai so can you wait for a little before I get my thoughts intact? I got to know so many things these past few days that I can't really wrap my head around it," I said.

"Sure, I will wait as long as you want. If it means that Kazuki-kun will accept my feelings and look only at me, I will wait for as long as Kazuki-kun wants," she said in a cheerful tone.

She was so happy hearing my response that she really did not realize that in a way, I just confessed my feelings to her but let's keep things the way they are right now. After all that she told me, I can not just sit back and just make Ai my shield. I will not ever do that so I also had to find a way to protect myself and not burden Ai too much. I know she probably does not see it as a burden but then let's just say that I am really selfish.

"Now that I know that you will accept my feelings, let us keep some ground rules," she said with a cheerful smile on her face. "Don't look at other girls, don't talk to other girls, and don't breathe the same air as other girls or I will kill them all."

"Question," I said raising my hand. "Does this count as older women because I still want to talk to Natsumi-san, if I cannot breathe the same air as them then should I change school to an all-boys one?"

"For sensei, I think I can make an exception but if anything were to happen between yo-"

"She is like an older sister to me, there is no way something like that can happen. No need to be so jealous of her Ai," I said.

"Okay, and no I will not let you join any all-boys school then I would not be able to be with you."

"Then it makes your breathing rule invalid because I can either do that or die due to the absence of oxygen."

"Okay, I will let that one slide but don't look at other girls."

"I won't and by look to you mean the normal look or the way you look at someone you like?"

"The second one."


With this little exchange between us. I let go of her hand and then looked up at the ceiling. Two days and how my life has changed so much. We then sat down to watch the movies Ai rented and that was an experience. Who knew that a vampire is scared of ghosts?

We were watching a hack and slash horror movie with many jump scares and loud noises. The main group was all alone in the forest and they were being hunted down by this psychotic killer. Thankfully he killed the annoying girl first because I didn't really like her. She was would be just an additional scream to this already loud movie. Ai sat next to me clinging to my arm. Then the killer appeared from behind with loud music in the background.

"Eeep!" she shouted almost bursting my eardrums. "So scary."

She was literally scared and I could see that. Heck, this girl was shivering in fear.

"How are you a vampire and get scared of a horror movie?" I asked her and she quickly turned towards me.

"You don't understand Kazuki-kun, with my vampire senses, I can tell whether someone is around but I cannot tell what will happen in the movie," she explained to me in a matter-of-fact voice.

"So strictly speaking, you get surprised easily," I said and she nods her head.

"Hehe, but I don't feel that scared when Kazuki-kun is next to me. Ahh, I can't get enough of your smell," she said sniffing me.

I just let her do that and felt her soft, cold body being pressed against my hand. We watched some more movies which were horror and now I think that it was just a reason for her to cling to me.


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