Back home to "usual stuff"

I was high up in the sky, so high that the moon looked bigger than usual. So high in fact that we were skipping three buildings in one jump. I have never experienced anything like this but now that I am able to, it was amazing. I was no longer scared of the height because I knew she wouldn't let go. I guess.

"So why didn't we take a train back?" I asked Ai who was carrying me.

"Well, we cannot go in the station with blood on my clothes," she said and I looked forward.

The mere perspective should be enough to tell me that one wrong step and we both or at least, I will die. Still, Ai just made one jump after another as if it was something she did for a living. Always landing in the middle and then jumping soon after without letting the impact of the landing reach us. The cool wind was hitting my face and Ai's breast was pressing against my right cheek. I was indeed in heaven.

What I am more surprised about is that how we are not yet noticed by anyone. Thinking logically, it is not very common for a girl and boy to jump over buildings in one majestic leap but we were still not being looked at by the people. I did not know the actual reason for it but I didn't bother knowing it. Ai took off her jacket and turned it upside down and wore it back. There was still the stench of blood on it so going in crowded places with that won't be a good option.

"How long before we reach back?" I asked her.

"Actually, we are already here," she said, and then instead of landing on a building, she landed down in a dark alley.

The landing was smooth and her legs had taken the impact effortlessly. I finally got off and stood up straight on my legs which had enough energy to make me walk. Ai's black lowers also had blood on it but since it was really dark, it was not that visible.

She then latched onto my arm and rested her head on my shoulder.

"You sure no one followed us? Because we weren't really stealthy on our way back," I asked her and she just snuggled her head on my shoulder.

"No need to worry. I have already confirmed that. I had drunk enough blood to heighten my senses so I am sure," she said and I raised my eyebrow at that statement.

"When did you drink blood and whose blood did you actually drink?"

"Oh, the blood of those assholes. The main reason why a half-vampire is treated as a curse by both species is that we can feast on the blood of humans and vampires alike to gain our strength," she said revealing a very important piece of information right now. "Honestly their blood tastes so bad that I want to vomit. Now I want to eat Kazu-kun's food or maybe have some of his blood~"

She said the last part while licking her finger and my free hand unconsciously held my bare neck making Ai giggle.

"I will make curry for dinner but it will take some time," I said obviously choosing the first option as we came out of the alley. "By that time I will let you have the sweets."

"Yaay, Kazu-kun is so nice," she said childishly making me chuckle.

"Only to you," I whispered in her ear making her stiffen and go red. Cute.

With her face red and her eyes looking down, we entered the building and got in the elevator. Fortunately, there was no one inside and while riding the elevator, I heard Ai's heartbeat increasing. She is probably off in her own fantasies.

We got on our floor and entered the apartment. Ai was still latched to my shoulder and as I closed the door behind us, she stopped moving. She just stood there with her head facing down.

"I'm sorry," she muttered before burying her face in my chest.

"What are you apologizing for? In fact, I should thank you for such an amazing date," I said in a soft voice. Ai gripped my t-shirt hard digging her fingers in it.

"I...let those assholes hurt Kazu-kun. I let them hurt you. I am so sorry," she said with her eyes wet. "Please punish me Kazu-kun."


"Punish me otherwise I can't let go of this guilt," she said with pleading eyes.

Ai was beating herself down more than I expected. The look of guilt on her face was immense. She was probably keeping it in for when we got home. If she wants me to punish her, then I will respect her request.

I put some distance between us and she looked at me, her eyes filled with guilt. I raised my right hand and extended it towards her face as she closed her eyes. My hand reached close to her forehead and then I swept her bangs up before kissing her on the forehead.

As soon as my lips contacted her cold skin, I could feel her body stiffen and her eyes shot open. I stayed like that for five seconds before putting some distance between us. Her guilt-filled eyes were now surprised and confused and her face was red.

"There, that is your punishment," I said to her with a smirk on my face.

"But why did you kiss me on the forehead? That does not count as a punishment," she said clenching her fist.

"That is because..." I said moving forward and lifting her chin. "I am not yet worthy of doing that to your lips."

With this, I walked past her leaving her flabbergast right there. I sniffed my clothes and they stink of blood. Looks like I have to take a bath before making the food and the same went for Ai. I went to the closet and got my clothes out and as I turned around, I saw Ai standing right behind me which surprised me.

"Woah, don't do that, or I might die of a heart attack one day," I said jumping back.

"Why did you not punish me?" she asked me. She still does not understand it.

"Listen Ai," I said in a soft voice. "Do you seriously think I will be someone who would really hurt you? You saved me back then. If it was not for you I would probably be a bloodless body."

"So was that a reward?" she asked me finally catching up. I flicked her head with my finger. "Ouch."

"Yes, and this was the punishment you wanted now let's get ourselves clean. We both stench of blood."

Hearing this, a smirk formed on Ai's face and she scanned me with her eyes from top to bottom. Hey, where are you looking?

"Is that an invitation for me to join?" she asked in a teasing voice.

"Even if I say no, you will probably sneak in anyway," I said letting out a sigh.

"Yes!" she said in a childish way.

I quickly slipped from there so that I had enough time to take a shower on my own. If she were to come before that, she would probably just start washing my back or do something like that and it would be really bad. Like, the world is going to end type of bad. On top of that, I am exhausted because even if I had so much fun, I used more energy than I would do normally. This was something I didn't really want to do.

Sitting down to take a shower, I poured the water over me and started scrubbing my body when I heard the bathroom lock open. Oh no.

It was followed by the sound of footsteps and I knew who the person was. I turned around seeing Ai wearing a different swimsuit this time standing there while licking her lips.

"Mhm, Kazu-kun looks so delicious," she said making me panic.

"In what way do you say that?" I asked her.

"Hehe, like this," she said and leaped at me and hugged me from behind.

I felt two soft sensations on my back and her cold body though had some scent of blood but she still smelled so good. Her face crept up and she nibbled my earlobe making my body shake up from the sudden sensation. Worst or maybe the best part was that it was not the end of her assault.

She started moving up and down behind me rubbing the two melons on my back. Her breath became heavy and her heart was beating fast. Ai's arms were wrapped around my chest caressing it softly as she started licking my neck.

"A-Ai, w-what a-are you doing?" I asked her with my voice broken.

"Just having a taste of my favorite food, Kazu-kun. Ahh, I love it so much," she said while still not stopping her assault.

"Ahh~" this sound escaped from my mouth without me realizing it.

"Hehe, Kazu-kun likes it, doesn't he? Then what about this," she said lightly biting my neck but not digging her teeth in.

My heart was going crazy right now and my head was feeling dizzy. I couldn't think straight and I did not have enough energy to resist her. What is this terrifying power?

"Hey, where are you touching?" I said to her but she did not listen.

Now her licking turned into kisses and she was doing it all over my neck and back. Someone help me get out of this situation. I wanted to turn around and stop her but she was holding me so close that it was not an option right now. Think Kazuki, think or you might just lose yourself. You are a gentleman and this is not enough to defeat you. Ahh, screw it.

I leaned my head back and turned seeing Ai's pale white neck right before my eyes. You made me do this. I lightly bit her neck instantly making her stop. How do you like the taste of your medicine?

"Ahh Kazu-kun, more," she said. What is this sudden change in her personality?

I expected her to loosen her grip on me but she on the other hand tightened it closing her eyes with her face turned red. Her breast was pressing hard on my back and I had no idea what to do. Looks like I have to use that move.

"Ai," I whispered softly in her ear. "How about you sit down and I wash you up?"

"What? Really?" she asked me falling for it.


She quickly let go of me and I stood up and Ai sat down on the little stool. Her back was exposed to me but I had no intentions of going there. I just dipped myself in the bathtub. She turned around with a sad look on her face.

"Eh? Kazu-kun, will you not wash my back?" she asked me with pleading eyes.

"Are you crazy? No way will I be able to do anything like that. I am not daring as you," I said submerging half of my face underwater.

My face was red and I saw a disappointed sound coming from Ai as she slouched her shoulder and then she used that move. The most powerful move in the existence of humanity or even this universe. This move was said to be able to win the entire world war if used at the correct time. It was...

The puppy dog eyes.

The worst part was that it was Ai who was doing the puppy dog eyes and I tried looking away but just a glimpse of it was enough to make me stop. Argh, no way in hell will I be able to win against this move. Thus, reluctantly, I stepped out, and Ai cheered.

"Hehe, Kazu-kun will wash my back for me. I am so happy," she cheered.


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