The hill massacare

Standing in the alley with my fangs dug in the neck of a woman. I drank the blood of the fifteenth human right now and my body felt light and I could feel my strength building up within me. This little incident made me realize just how messy of a blood drinker I have become while being so desperate. The blood was tricking down my mouth and I saw myself in the reflection of the window and I look really scary.

"There is no way I can go and see Kazu-kun like this," I said wiping the blood from the dress of the woman.

Not wanting to take any more time, I crouched and launched myself up in the air leaving a big crater in the ground. The blood of fifteen people does do wonders but it was not just that. I also had a large portion of Kazu-kun's blood which also helped somehow. Usually, I could get this strong after drinking the blood of about twenty to thirty humans but it was done with only fifteen.

While I did say I drank all their blood, they are not quite dead but they will be unconscious for a really long time while their body adapts to the depletion in blood and refill it.

Jumping over buildings at a speed I have never done before, I heightened my senses and could feel the vampires all gathered close in the hills, and among them, I could hear it. The heart, beating slowly and calmly unlike any other heart in that place.


I need to get there to him as fast as possible. Excluding the noble, there are only fifty-two vampires in that place since I killed five of them. A strong sense of blood lust could be sensed even from here making me disgusted. Their bloodlust is for the blood of a human and not just any human. Of MY Kazu-kun.

"I will fucking kill every single one of them," I muttered.

Increasing my speed, I was getting closer and closer to the hill and I could feel the vampires guarding the hill coming closer to it. They will probably be on the defensive since they know that I will come and save Kazu-kun but it does not matter. I will not let any vampire get out of the hills alive.

Getting at the foot of the hill, I jumped back evading the strike of three vampires who attacked me all together at the same time. Seeing me, they growled with their vampire teeth protruding out. Their eyes were crazy in bloodlust and I could tell it was not much of a problem.

"Filthy critters."



I beheaded the critter in the middle and plunged my hand through the heart of the one on the right ripping his heart out making him scream in pain and agony. The one left jumped at me but was quickly cut vertically into two pieces before he knew. I stabbed them all in the heart with the stake and I felt more vampires coming this way. They were all critters.

Lowering my body, I rushed at them and there were eight of them coming my way so I jumped and landed on one critter's back and used him to jump up high making his body splash on the ground with the force. I quickly looked down and analyzed the situation. I could see everything, hear everything and I could kill anything right now.

There were seven critters all growling at me and there were already five novices coming my way. Let's kill the novices first and deal with those critters later.

With my feet being closer to a treetop, I used it as a board and kicked it off sending me down with great speed and I stabbed a female novice right in the chest and dragged her body on the ground using her to cushion my fall. The stake due to this started moving up and I cut her open from the chest to the face with the blood splattering everywhere. I opened my mouth and let it all enter it and my left eye glowed redder and I dug my teeth in the cut-up portion of the vampire drinking her blood.

Done with that and spitting on her, I stood straight with blood covering my body and turned my head coldly glaring at the vampires who stopped in their tracks. I could see them shivering in fear and their horrified expression looked amazing.

"This is what you get for taking something which is mine," I said and moved quickly taking out another stake and throwing it in a critter's chest making him scream in pain.

They all just stared at the critter who fell down on his feet and started turning into dust.

"You need to move if you don't want to get killed," I said and a crazy smile formed on my face.

Jumping right in the middle of them, I started beheading every single one of them one by one. My smile became even wider to the point that I started laughing.










I laughed seeing them fall one by one without even getting a chance to fight back. It was so fun.

Soon, I was standing amongst the bloodied bodies of the vampires I just slaughtered with their heads cut off and their hearts ripped out and placed in a line as I started stabbing them one by one fearing the screams of every vampire who were shouting in pain.

Yes, scream more.

Suffer more.

Pay for your sins.

Once I was finished with that, I looked back and no vampire was approaching me. They all were posted near the church and only two people were inside the church. Only Kazu-kun and that noble bitch. I need to save him.

I started running towards the hill at full speed not wanting it to be too late by the time I get to Kazu-kun. I wanted to see him already but now that I had killed all the weak vampires, the stronger ones will definitely be more vigilant and not make any rash movements. All of the rest were more than two fifty years old which can cause me some problems. Looks like I will need some more vampire blood.

Stopping at some distance before the church, I looked around and red orbs were glowing in the trees and I could feel their murderous intent being directed towards me. I knew that it would happen but it does not matter to me much. I just need to kill them all.

A figure emerged out of the shadows and it was the same person who came and kidnapped Kazu-kun and I could tell it from the faint scent of Kazu-kun on her body. That scent should not be on anyone else except for me and Kazu-kun!

"Why are you here?" she asked me only to make me annoyed.

"Is that even a question to ask bitch? I am here to get my love back home," I growled at her.

"You feasted on blood didn't you?" she said making me frown. "Do you seriously think that seeing your horrid side like that, will the human want to come with you?"

I felt something hit me and it was not physical. Looking at my hands covered in blood I realized what she meant. But…

It does not matter to me.

No matter what, Kazu-kun won't leave me.

He said he loved me right?

"…love. It is more like I am using Tsubaki Ai as if she is a disposable pawn to me."

I heard Kazu-kun's voice loud and clear. Yes, I could hear his voice from inside.

"You heard it didn't you? The human is only using you. You say that you love him but he is just another one of those bastards who is using you for his advantage. He won't care if you are dead. He would just see your body for a second and walk away," she said.

No, that is not it. I mean, this is Kazu-kun we are talking about right?

There is no way he would be like that. Kazu-kun is kind, he is gentle and he is an amazing person. There is no way Kazu-kun would leave me like that. No, he can't leave me. He loves me. Yes, Kazu-kun loves me. All that I heard right now was just a lie. There is no way Kazu-kun will ever say this. Never. NEVER!

I felt my blood boiling and both my eyes started glowing. It was at that moment…

I snapped.

I dashed through the novice stabbing her in the chest killing her off instantly. Right now, I was overwhelmed with the emotions, a lot of them, and I just got buried under them. Growling loudly, I started charging at each and every one of them stabbing them in the chest killing them, and drinking their blood.

One by one, they were being killed by my hands and I started having one emotion well up in me and a smile formed on my face. How fun it was killing these assholes.


Laughing manically, I started killing them even before they could react. Jumping from tree to tree, cutting one head after another. Stabbing one chest after another, I felt the adrenaline rush in my veins and I did not stop. I got even crazier and faster.

"Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!"

The numbers of the novices were being cut down quickly and their blood was showering on my body making me ecstatic. They were the ones who took Kazu-kun away. They were the ones who made them say this. I know, they brainwashed him and made him say such a thing and I cannot forgive them for this. Never ever.

Feeling my body feel weird due to this rush of both anger and joy being built up in my body. The novices were down to only five and all of them were banging loudly at the door of the church but it was not opening.

Walking over to them, they turned around in fear and started banging the door even louder but it was not opening. They punched it hard only for it to bend a little. So, I put them out of their misery by killing them off quickly.

Their bodies were fell down and were turning into ash and I looked at the door. I could feel it, I could hear it. Kazu-kun was right there waiting for me. My heartbeat was going crazy and he was the only thing I want to see right now. I could feel even his heartbeat increasing making me happy. He knows I am here and he wanted to meet me too.









I opened the door and my eyes widened. My blood started boiling and my eyes were bloodshot. I saw Kazu-kun sitting on a chair and that noble bitch had her face too close to him. The sweet familiar smell was in the air of the church and it made me even angrier. This whore!

She was drinking my Kazu-kun's blood!


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