Natsumi-san has...

Since Natsumi-san would be coming to visit us today, I was in the kitchen and checking the things that I had bought for today. Confirming one more time that I did not forget anything and put the beer cans in the fridge which Ai got using her vampire powers, I was ready to make dinner.

Ai was cleaning the house and was looking really enthusiastic while doing so. She looked like a complete clean freak when I saw her draping the cloth on her face and her hair along with gloves in her hands. Right now, she was cleaning the bedroom.

I decided to make unagi which is grilled eel along with rice. Along with that, I am making pickled vegetables and miso soup. This was a dinner Natsumi-san really loved eating and since she would be coming here for the first time, I decided to make this for her. I had made this sometimes before when I visited Natsumi-san after her little trips out of the country which she did not really have much of after she became a teacher here.