A meeting

I stood there in the darkroom all by myself waiting for the others to arrive. I thought that everyone was done with their work already but looks like they were not. The room was neither too big nor too small.

It was an empty room with a big table in the middle and I was standing next to the table in my usual spot. This was where we were always called to a meeting so it was nothing out of the usual for me. I stared at the black ceiling but I could see through the dark and the ceiling had nothing notable about it.

"Missed me anyone?" a cheerful voice came from beside me and I turned to see a familiar figure standing there.

"What took you so long?" I asked her and she pouted.

"Hey, I did not take that long! Everyone else is yet to arrive here so don't scold me!" she said in her usual annoying tone. "I am not late, you are too early."