Three against three sounds fair

The room was completely quiet. No one was making a single sound of their own will. Our breaths and the beating of our hearts were the only things that we could hear and being quiet in the room felt as if we were the only ones that had stopped while we could hear the sounds of fighting in the distance which was a good sign. If anything were to go wrong, we know where to group up at the end.

Our eyes never left the door which was right before us as we patiently waited for the nobles to make their way in and for me to recover from all that blood being taken out of me. Not to mention that I am still having some effects of that shock. My fingers were still trembling but not out of fear.

"It's fine Kazu-kun," Ai said as she held my hand and intertwined our fingers. "You don't need to push yourself too hard you know. You can still just sit back and let us fight."