Ichikawa Koto

My face hit the ground breaking my nose and it started bleeding. I turned around seeing the guy standing next to me looking down with a smug on his face. He is getting really annoying now. I took a moment to look at Ai to see if she was moving before realizing it was a fatal mistake because, with lightning speed, he brought a punch right onto my face, afraid, I closed my eyes ready to take the punch straight to the face.

"Huh?" I said and looked up seeing a hand stopping the boy's hand, I looked at the shadow standing right behind him a satisfied smile formed on my face. "For once, you were pretty late Natsumi-san."

"I would be early but I also got curious about how you would hold against him," she said and inspected me bending down. "Yep, you look pretty beat up with a broken nose. I am honestly saying Kazuki, I'm impressed you sustained only that injury."

"What do you mean?" I said and looked at the guy. "Who is this dude, to begin with?"