Test Prologue (The only Chapter)

A long, long time ago. Sparks could be vaguely seen as figures intermingled with each other in a rush of power, this shattered mountains, islands, continents and eventually the very planet on their feet. But the figures didn't stop there, dozens of planets were obliterated by the three figures before rushing off into the unknown still locked in combat.

On a planet with a violet sky and purple streams a set of figures stand watching the three figures through a large ball, it would frantically shake and almost cut out before refocusing on the figures.

"What if they Fail?!" A voice frantically shouts out. The Voice belonged to one of the five people watching. A young man with soft features, pale pink skin and a dull purple mohawk. Everyone present wore a very strange outfit with a tight vest that split down to their knees, baggy shoulders, a sash fastened round the waist and a bulb like earing on each ear that was pointed to the end.

"What about the Angels? Surely they could help?" A woman turned to the others and questioned. She wore the same outfit as the prior just red in design. She was fairly tall with pale skin, a silver tampered mohawk longer than the other with the same pointed ears.

"West kai… Unfortunately, even if anything happened no Angel can step into the realm without a God of Destruction to bind them, we're on our own with this one." Another grimaced. This one looked a bit more elderly and shorter than the others, largely resembling the woman with his hair and skin but sported a moustache. His outfit was blue like the first.

One of the two remaining just solemnly nodded his head, he was gigantic compared to the others with a very chiselled jaw and an ochre inspired colour palette. The final of the five who seemed to be controlling the orb stood from where he stood with a grim complexion. He was very rotund with the same hair and skin as the first, but a dark blue, slightly more regal baggy clothing. He puts his hands up to the orb and glances at the others.

"Although it's not been long since I became a deity, I can help somewhat… Everyone channel your energy into me and we can try to make a difference!" He bellows out.

The other four look on with a mixture of concern and conviction before placing their hands on his back as told. The rotund man turned back to the orb and with a grunt continually pushed out a solid beam of energy towards it. Though on the other end things were heating up, one side was slowing down allowing vague glimpse of the two. One had spiked hair and a very wild, almost barbaric attire and the other had deep golden skin, pointed ears and barely noticeable antennae. The two were clearly on the backfoot and all could be seen of the opponent was a pink blur destroying anything it touched, you could almost hear a sickening cackle radiating from it even in the depths of space. Suddenly the space haltered slightly allowing the two to catch their bearings.

"Huh, was that the Kais?" The spiked hair one questioned. The other panted slightly and responded.

"It doesn't matter, if it absorbs any more, I doubt anything could stop it. We need to attack." The other responds before diving back in, shortly followed by the other.

This battle lasted an unknown amount of time, with the two fighting this creature that didn't seem to tire along with the aid of the Kai's much more was destroyed than what was preferred. But eventually the two succeeded, putting their all into a moment of weakness destroying the creature util not an atom remained. The five who assisted jumped in joy at this triumph, and while the two who fought were only just hanging on, you could barely see the relieved smirks from them both in the dark corners of space.

After this the two would part ways and unfortunately never have the chance to meet again, time would continue moving forward. Hundreds of millions of years later many events happened that shaped the outcome of the universe, focusing in on a small event in the grand scheme of things that happened in the not-so-distant past.

A planet with a vivid red atmosphere floated in the northern regions of space, it would seem peaceful if it wasn't for the blockade of ships surrounding it. On the surface was even worse, the once tall futuristic constructs were slowly crumbling and burning under a vicious attack. All sorts of varying alien races were propelled through the sky by the feet of the outfit they wore. All of them tore into anything in their path using a rifle slotted on their forearms. The opposing side was extremely human looking, apart from each and every one of them had a tail. Despite how bad the situation looked they were putting up a decent fight, with some of their more elite soldiers in the distance in the forms of giant apes attempting to repel the alien spacecrafts that were lighting up the city, though it wouldn't be enough.

In space, at a safe distance the flagship is floating in place. In the main deck a tail flicks across the room, bringing with it a weird sense of power. The creature itself was moderately grotesque, a small but bulbous head with horns and scaled cheeks. Its lips almost shone a dark unnerving colour, and its body was humanoid and quite short. It sat in a round floating seat, seaming perfectly tailored for its comfort. It lips permanently creeped into a smile, taking the last sip out of the presumed beverage in the fancy glass it was holding before lightly tossing it to the floor. As soon as it made contact, a terrified alien scampered out of the dark corners of the room and cleared the glass away with surprising efficiency and disappeared back into the corner. The creature sat in the centre simply widened its grin and spoke.

"Oh yes, this was a much better idea than simply blowing them up." He smirked to himself before turning round to some attendants. "Kikono make sure whoever came up with this idea gets a promotion, and Berryblue, call Zarbon and Dodoria. They wouldn't want to miss the fireworks." With the last words its grin curled up frighteningly, making a bloodcurdling smile that would terrify the average person. Even those present were still intimidated.

"Of course, my Lord!" They both answered in tandem, even if it wasn't Kikono's position to do these types of things he would never disobey an order, either out of obligation or fear.

As they both scurried out of the room leaving only the presumed Lord and a couple of guards, it gently turned back to the catastrophe unfolding with its never dropping euphoric grin.

On the planet chaos is continuing to unfold, more and more of the invaders are blockading any escape. One man flies through the air, kneeing one invader in the neck presumably disabling him with a loud crack, his eyes flash as he barely gets out of the way of a bolt speeding past him. Before he even glanced back at the attacker, he stretched him arm out and fired a ball of energy, not out of any weapon, but his own hand. The invader sees this and doesn't even try to dodge but summons an energy-based shield from his other gauntlet. The energy crashes into and pushes him back, but he seemed none the worse for wear. He looks back at where the man was only to see that he had vanished. At the same time, he reappeared above the invader, grasping his hands together and slamming him in the back sending him plummeting into the ground below. The panting man slowly turns up to the sky, glaring at a large ship not far from the planet, slowly getting closer. He clenches his fist tightly.

"Damn it… Damn it!!" He screams as he starts tearing upwards toward the ship.

Meanwhile in a bunker of sorts a group of people were huddled around a spherical table displaying the area around them as well as lots of other information holographically. Everyone's face looked grim.

"All emergency vessels have been destroyed in the eastern sector and communication is completely cut with the north!" One Screams.

"King Vegeta, although all power is cut from the north-eastern and south sectors, we managed to rig up the auxiliary generators so we should have enough to get our ships off the ground" Another shouts fervently at the leading presence in the room. This made his complexion brighten slightly, though he knew this wasn't enough.

"Quickly, get all ships off the ground! Raise the scout ships first as a distraction then the transport and attack ships to get the civilians off world and start a counterattack. I will not allow the Saiyans to fall here!" King Vegeta shouts back at his people. They immediately start passing orders and in no time at all they could see some ships lift off out the windows, followed by the cheers of everyone in the room.

"It's not over yet!" King Vegeta shouts.

"King Vegeta we have almost got back into the atmospheric cannons, although it will use a bit of energy, we can clear a path for the retreating ships!"

"Fantastic!" King Vegeta bellows with a rare smile. Although this followed with an extreme feeling of unease, he snapped his head back to the vessels that just took off only to see them bombarded with fire and the entire fleet fall! Everyone's face immediately dropped, though they had no time as King Vegeta snapped to another direction and raised his energy to the max while trying to form a sort of dome shaped barrier.

"Look Ou--!" He managed to squeeze out before the wall erupted inwards with great force, knocking the King down and breaking through most the barrier.

When the ringing finally stopped, he opened his eyes to find debris crushing him to the floor. With effort he managed to push the remains off him only to be greeting to a harrowing sight, most of the people in the room were crushed or deceased, with pipes and slabs protruding from their corpse. When he turned his head to the gaping hole in the building all he could see was hundreds of soldiers closing in with dozens of spacecrafts on their location.

In another location a female of the same race was dashing round the burnt remains of the streets, frantically shouting out.

"Bardock!? Bardock!?" She screamed as she stumbled across, though a rough shout brought her attention to the air not far from her where the aforementioned man tearing though dozens of soldiers, trying to reach a large vessel closing in on their location.

Bardock continues his ascent, tearing through everything in his way. At this point he was riddled with burned scars and bleeding all over, but he continued taking out each soldier with one blow and flew upwards.

Back in the ship on the planet's edge, two people have entered the control room. One was taller than average with a good physique, he had pale green skin with deep green hair that split at the front and wrapped round his shoulder into a braided ponytail and wore the same armour as the others. He had small earrings, a thin tiara and a gaze that showed he looked down upon everyone here, of course with the exception of his Lord. The other was almost round, he had thick lips, pink skin with sagging eyebrows with no hair that almost wrapped his head. On his bald head and large forearms were spikes protruding out of his skin.

"Lord Frieza!" They announce in sync and bowing before looking at him.

"Zarbon, Dodoria. Excellent." A voice reached out. One could see the grotesque Lord from before turn slightly in his place to glance at them. "You're just in time."

The two nod at him before taking their place at his side.

"Drop the gravity mines and order the ships to pull back." The chubby pink one, Dodoria stated to one of the officers near.

As they rapidly activated the console, the ship readied four cannons at the planet.

"Open the hatch." The green skinned one, Zarbon states.

Back on the planet King Vegeta had barely retreated to an inner room while bleeding profusely, barley hanging on. He tiredly activated a console and swiped a few times.

"Please… Please get this message." He whispered as he heard soldiers close in on him.

Bardock was at the edge of the atmosphere, the lack of oxygen was getting to him, and parts of his body were somehow frozen over even with the intense firepower headed in his direction. Suddenly he noticed four pylons exiting the ship, go flying past him and slam into the planet below in a square formation. As soon as they hooked themselves onto the ground Bardock was immediately pulled back by a strange force. Be it people, objects, everything was being pulled into the planet itself as the ground slowly gave in. Bardock strained to look at the ship only to find his target. Out of the top of the ship have Frieza, still sat him his custom seat, though somehow fine in the vacuum of space.

"Hmm?" Frieza glances down and meets eyes with Bardock before laughing maniacally. "Ohohohoho! Don't we have a brave one here." He says with clear amusement in his voice. "Though a monkey will always be a monkey." He grins.

Bardock continues to strain himself forward while glancing at energy being produced by his armour.

"This has to work!" He growls and he starts growing in size, his mouth grew fangs and fur grew out of his body as he started to enlarge along with his armour.

Frieza only looks inquisitively before Bardock reached his full size. Though he wasn't done, the giant ape started to scream as his form slowly shrunk back down to a human. It was a painful process, but he remerged, the only difference was his hair now standing on end, brown fur covered his body and energy seemed to leak from his pores. He looked up to Frieza with a furious grin.

"I won't let you have your way." He states as he starts charging up a large ball of energy on his right hand.

Frieza was watching curiously, there was a brief flash of fear partway through the transformation, but after pressing a device on its ear it simply chuckled.

"An amusing charade, but a charade nonetheless." It stated. "It's time to end this."

The creature then stood up from its chair and started to glow, its limbs seem to grow, shrink and wrap round themselves over and over with a dull shout before what was left there was an entirely different being. It became slightly taller, much better proportioned and lost its horns. Its skin was now pearl white, and the scaled skin was replaced by a smooth exterior with purple accents on its head, shoulders, shins, forearms and just below the chest. It looked almost angelic, if it wasn't for the bloodthirsty grin and blood red eyes. While continuing to chuckle it raised its finger above him, there formed a small ball of energy. It looked as hot as the sun and glowed a deep dark orange with a core of the brightest white. Then it started to enlarge, bigger and bigger. First it was the same size as its owner, then the size of the ship, then completely dwarfing it. Bardock was terrified, but moved forward anyways, his hatred for this creature far outweighed his fear. Even as his body was crushed by the vacuum of space and all air left his lungs he kept charging forwards with this beam of energy reaching out his arms. Though Frieza, with a bit of effort, directed the supernova like energy down at him and it began to fall toward the planet, only fastened by the gravity mines.

Back on the planet King Vegeta was on the floor, he barely fought of the attackers and with his remaining energy he couldn't move at all under the gravity mines exertion. He looked up in the air only to see the sky fill by what looked like a star.

Not far away the woman that screamed to Bardock earlier was just outside the mines but cornered by soldiers and backing off to a corner when she saw it too. Her eyes enlarged and it caught the attention of her pursuers and had them turn around, only to similarly shrink in fear. The woman simply held her hands together and whispered out with closed eyes.

"Raditz, Bardock… Kakarot…" As a tear left her eye.

Bardock was doing everything he could, he shot out the energy at the ball of fire with a deafening roar. Only for it to do absolutely nothing. His eyes shrunk back and even in the vacuum of space he could somehow hear laughing, a high pitched but dark and sinister laugh. There was nothing he could do. As the energy reached him, he tried to push it back only for him arms to boil down. The energy then completely overtook him, with desperate screams he started to boil and fade away. Though at the last moment his eyes clear, almost like he comes to some sort of realization and cracks a small smile. He was in more pain than he could imagine but there was something there, something that couldn't help but make him smile. The only thing he screamed as he was wiped into oblivion was a name.


The giant ball of fire and death was pulled down onto the planet and burrowed further deep inside thanks to the gravity mines. It didn't take long for everything it touched to vanish into dust, the planet quaked, and the continents shattered as the very core of the planted destabilized. Frieza and his ship had already retreated to a safe distance and was watching the spectacle as the planet finally shattered and explosions after explosions shot off leaving nothing in its wake, with a certain Lord just laughing down at where the planet used to be.

Back in the ship Frieza descends back into the control room and relaxes back into his chair in his original form.

"I believe that was enough fun for the evening." It calmly states with its malicious grin.

As the eruption of the planet still settles in the distance, Zarbon approaches Frieza.

"My Lord, are you sure it was a good Idea to eliminate the Saiyans? While your display of magnificence was as glorious as ever, they could have still had their uses."

Some people in the room gulped and shivered at the obvious questioning of Lord Frieza's commands, though it was well known that Zarbon had served Frieza since before its reign began. Other than him, Ginyu, and Dodoria, very few could question Frieza's commands and keep their head. Frieza simply flicks his tail and gives Zarbon a dismissive gaze.

"They were sure to rebel sooner or later, monkeys always bite the hands that feed them after all. And all those pathetic legends of a Super Saiyan, as if a monkey could surpass me." He replies with a slight bit of contempt in his eyes. "Other than Beerus and that folk tale of Majin Buu, there is nothing in the universe that could surpass me. That alone should be enough reason to wipe those primates out."

"Very wise my Lord." Dodoria bows from his opposite side.

"Is the little Prince still off world?" Frieza questions his subordinates.

"Yes my Lord, he and a small squad were on a mission in sector 14. We have already transmitted a message that rogue asteroids have caused a collision which wiped out the planet." Zarbon Replies.

"Good, he still has his uses." Frieza smirks to himself and he watches the final embers of the planet die out.

On another planet in the 14th sector of the north quadrant of the universe, a small group of Saiyans are sat atop a bunch of debris with clear surprise etched on their faces.

"My Prince, we have received word that planet Vegeta was wiped out by a collision with asteroids!" The large one of the three quickly and shakily reports. He was very tall, reaching over two meters, with a body filled of muscle, a small patch of hair on his balding head and a thin moustache.

"What!!?" Almost everyone present gasps at the news. One runs up to the large man with a disbelieving face.

"It can't be! I-It must be a false report, or a mistake, or something! Right!?" The youngster pleads with him. His only noticeable trait being his long spiked down hair that reached behind him down to his knees.

The larger man grunts, not used to this level of disrespect.

"Shut it runt, this came from the top…" Although his words were harsh, he was clearly shaken by these events. He had served under the royal family since before anyone here was even born so he had deep sentimental ties to it and his race.

Th only one present that seemed calm was one of the youngest, still sat where he was. He had some surprise and anger gleaming off his eyes, but for another reason entirely.

"Absolutely pathetic." He calmly retorts, to the shock of those around him. "They aren't worth the name of the Saiyan race if they are killed off that easily." His words shock many, although they are all bred and raised for war, this level of coldness was still unnerving.

The young one with long spiked hair couldn't take it anymore and ran up to him in a fury.

"How can you say that! It's all our families, our entire rac—" Before he could finish his statement a hand flashes past and swats him through some nearby rubble.

"You will not speak to your Prince that way Raditz, am I clear?" The large man questions, though it was clear he wasn't giving him an option.

The youngster, Raditz was struggling to upright himself after the hit. Bleeding through some scrapes and cuts, though he immediately realised the error of his ways and through gritted teeth bowed back to the prince.

"I deeply apologise for my disgraceful words" He spoke quickly. "I was too emotional and am ready to receive any punishment!"

The prince stood slowly, his hair was spiked upwards the same as the King and he just looked on callously. Though this was something Raditz was used to, he looked upon everyone in this manner. A look which spoke volumes on how high he placed himself. Though fortunately for Raditz he simply grunted and walked away. After he got a sizable distance from the others, his communicator starting bleeping. To his surprise this was a secret channel only used by the royals of Vegeta, he activated the message with a bit of apprehension.

"M-my s-son." Although it was hard to hear over the static, it was clearly his father's voice. "We ---re-- bei--- Friez—aven- ge- us---" The message spat out before dying out.

Despite his aloofness towards the situation earlier, the prince now had a deep and scary scowl creasing his face. With clenched teeth and a bitter rage as he crushed the communicator with his bare hands he spat out-


Away in another corner of the galaxy a ship floats silently in space. The ship highly resembled the one carrying Frieza above planet Vegeta. Inside was also similar, though with duller lighting and noticeably less people working away at the consoles.

"Sir Cooler, it seems your brother has finally gotten rid of the Saiyans." One of the lifeforms mentioned, he was a tall, brown reptilian humanoid. He had big yellow eyes, pointy ears, he wore similar upper body armour to the soldiers invading Vegeta only with just one shoulder pauldron poking out. He had a partial purple jumpsuit that covered his torso to his thighs and wore a communicator on his left ear connected to a head strap.

"Oh, well it's not surprising. The apes were worth less than they could chew. Did any escape?" Another presence in the room questioned, presumably being Lord Cooler.

"Prince Vegeta's squad were the only ones off world when it was destroyed sir. Oh, there was a pod sent out the day before though." The creature replied back after scanning through the database a bit more.

"Really? What lifeforms were aboard?" Cooler leaned forward, his appearance strikingly similar to that of Frieza in his transformed state, though his skin was deep- purple and much more masculine in appearance despite being a similar build. He was taller than the aforementioned with several armour-like carapaces on his chest, shoulders, shins and head.

"Previous scans show it was just an infant, though there's no flight path in the database. Should we engage?"

"No, I doubt anything will come from it. Regardless, even if it does it will just make things more interesting."

At the opposite ends of the universe there sits a giant space fortress. It was spherical in design, had an outer ring connected to it and a spire protruding downwards. As per usual it was a hectic time here, dozens of individuals all working away, some filing reports, some returning from the hanger, and some simply cleaning. This was the headquarters to a well-known force in the universe, the Galactic Patrol. They functioned as a sort of space police, locking away the worst the universe has to offer. In one of the main rooms in the officials sector there was a bit of commotion.

"Sir, we have reports that an asteroid collision has wiped out planet Vegeta! Though some of the moles in the sector have reported that Frieza actually wiped it out." A short, green bean- headed alien reported to his superior.

The superior officer glanced down; he had a gaunt face with sunken eyes. He wore the same standard issue uniform, a white chest piece with the Galactic Patrol's insignia, white gauntlets and greaves and a full body purple jumpsuit. The only difference with the other members being his long robe covering his lower body.

"Interesting, though I will have to report this to the Galactic King. For some reason the higher ups are really soft on the Saiyans, despite being out of our authority it's good to know that bloodthirsty monsters like the Saiyans have been eliminated. Continue observations on Frieza's forces and ensure they don't start to expand, and send me a report on the remaining Saiyans. I'll contact the Galactic King afterwards." The man had a clear disdain of the Saiyans, though it's to be expected from such a barbaric race. Usually this wouldn't be such a huge issue, though he knew some of his superiors would think differently.

In a place far displaced from the mortal plane, two individuals were stood watching a floating Orb. Their surroundings should be familiar, ripe green grass, velvet water with a purple sky that exuded a pink glow. The odd tree scattered around with some small craggy hills.

"Although the Saiyans have fallen to this extent it is still saddening to see them taken out like this. I hope this doesn't change what my predecessor stated…" A shorter figure moped to himself, he had pink skin, a white mohawk and dressed in a posh kai outfit. He was watching the events from planet Vegeta unfold form the orb.

"Lord Supreme, some Saiyans have survived off world. And I hope you forgive my audacity, but I have always harboured doubts that beings as primitive as the Saiyans or Namekians could be a part of something as big as this." A much taller man replied from behind him, he had blue skin, white long slicked back hair and a broad face. He wore the same outfit as the other being present.

"Yes, well sometimes I hope he was mistaken as well. But on the off chance it's best to continue observations, have North Kai contact us again if anything regarding this matter props up." Lord Supreme's voice was slightly shaken, almost like he wasn't sure what to think at the moment.

"Yes, Lord Supreme."

Even further out in the unknown reaches of the universe, a strange construct floated, surrounded by barren planets and moons. The construct seemed to be an upside-down polyhedron, with vast amount of deep blue and purple trees, wide open fields with teal grass interspersed with marbled paths and weaving lakes. Most notably a giant tree perched in the centre almost as large as the construct itself, barren of any leaves.

"Hmm?" A figure stood on the open field looking into a small sphere at the end of his long slender staff. "How interesting." The figure was a tall, thin humanoid with pale blue skin, white flicked up hair, violet eyes and rather effeminate features. Around his neck was a large light blue ring. His attire consisted of a maroon robe, a black cuirass with Egyptian like white and orange diamond decorations and a blue sash. He also wore black high heeled shoes with long toes resembling winklepickers with white spats.

The individual's curiosity seemed to catch the attention of a figure behind him doing intense exercises.

"Lord Whis, is something the matter? Things very rarely catch your eye like this." He questioned while strolling over, still panting from the exercise. This person was of medium build, with shorter spiked up black hair with a front fringe straying to the right. He wore leather like armour, his chest piece, greaves and armbands being blue, with the undershirt and shorts a dull black. He had silver tipped boots and a tail swinging freely.

"Ah yes, it seems that the Saiyans have been wiped out. Though a few off world have survived." Whis replied freely, almost as if it wasn't his concern.

"Oh…" The man sounded quite conflicted after hearing the news. Though notably didn't look that surprised, almost like hearing bad news you knew was coming.

"That's not all, it seems one of the surviving Saiyans is going to be landing on earth."

Though this statement surprised the other man more than the previous.

"Really!? Does this mean that my mentors' friend was right after all?" He burst out, losing the little amount of manners he had in the first place.

"It's not use speculating about things like this. Though if things continue like this it seems it won't be long before Lord Beerus awakens." He replies before glancing back up to his staff. "I wonder how things will play out."

The mentioned pod continued hurting through space, passing planet after planet. Weeks later it arrives at its destination, a green, beige and blue planet at in the far edges of its galaxy, earth. The pod shot down through the atmosphere.

In a ripe green forest, an elderly man was gently walking down a slightly trodden path. He wore traditional Chinese garbs, a black undershirt with an orange buttoned shirt on top of that. He had kind eyes, a big frilly, grey moustache and a large woven tub perched on his back that was filled with fruit. He was humming along, presumably on his way back home when something caught his eye. And much to his shock, it was getting closer. The flying object passed closely by as he dropped to the ground in fright. A second later a large boom resounded through the surroundings.

"W-what on earth?" The old man questions himself with a shaky voice, looking over at some smoke rising close to him. Although he was frightened to death by this strange occurrence, his curiosity far outweighed his fear as he slowly crept over to the impact site.

As he got there it was already surrounded by the local wildlife that haven't already fled, all staring curiously at this strange object that crashed into their forest moments prior.

"Alright, come on." The man ushered his way through the animals, spooking a couple of them in the process.

To his perplexment, a large crater was formed where he stood, even stranger was the perfectly spherical object sat in the centre. With a loud gulp he started to descend towards the objects with care. Suddenly a loud hiss reverberated from the object, causing him to fall back slightly and put his guard up. As this sphere seemed to open up his guard was at an all time high, until he heard something. A soft wailing cry. Yet again letting his curiosity get the better of him he crept closer to the sound before observing the inside of the object, only to find, a child?

"What the!?" He murmured out, looking around him like it was some kind of joke. Though his glance turned back towards the small infant sat inside the object, it was now staring at him with its cute and curious eyes.

"A baby, but how…?" He questioned as he leant in to pick the little guy up.

As soon as he observed the child, he quickly reverted to his usual laid back personality, though a bit startled, he always like being around children. But he noticed one strange thing.

"Oh, haha. Looks like you've got a tail! Oh hoho!" He laughed in a jovial manner to try and calm the child. "Well… we can't just leave you here now, can we?" He leant in slightly towards the infant who seemed to calm down much more than before. "Shall we take you to my home?" He asked kindly, to his surprise the child lightly kicked him in the face and burst out in laughter. Though the kick weirdly hurt for one so young, he was glad to see that it was comfortable now. "Well, you certainly are a feisty one, aren't you? Oh hoho!" He set the child in his arms as he trudged back out of the crater, the child playfully kicking and laughing all the while. He glanced back at the crater. "How strange, a child from a meteor…" How wondered out loud before being drawn back to the child's laughter, after thinking for a moment he lifted him up with a proud smile. "My name is Gohan, where did you come from little guy?" The child looked down inquisitively at the man. "But what to name you… Hmmm…" He stood thinking for a few moments. "Oh, I know. I'll call you Goku! You like that?" At the question the child seemed to beam a smile and start playing with his moustache. "Oh hoho, it seems you do, well let me show you our home, it's not to far away from here." He continued as he started to walk back to the path he came from, somehow completely forgetting about the large crater behind him. He started walking back to his home with an extra person, who was of course laughing and kicking around constantly.

This moment of kindness will be an impetus of a grand tale. One of Kakarot, also known as Son Goku.