First sight

*Jasmine' POV*

Standing in the corner of the large palace hallway, I sighed.

I pressed the back of my head against the white marble wall and tried to breathe. It was the first day I had been condemned to stay with the royal family, as I was to serve them this summer.

No, I was not born as a maid, and I certainly wasn't trained to be a royal handmaid either. But this summer I was summoned to serve Raina, the princess of Saudi Arabia.

I knew I had to be strong for my family. If I managed to do well this year, the Sultan would clear my families debt. I had never been away from home. I looked around when I heard footsteps, quickly wiping the tears from my cheeks.

A tall man, wearing a white suit approached me. I turned around and I tried to hurry down the hallway. "Wait," he ordered. I froze in place. "Are you all right?" He almost whispered. "Yes," I quickly said, trying to sound firm. "Then turn around," he ordered again. I didn't want to. We stood there for a while, not saying a word.

The man walked up to me and scrutinized my face. "Those eyes," he mouthed. Then a smile twitched on the corner of his lips, and his smile reached his hazel eyes. "Liar," he said sounding thoughtful, rubbing his neatly trimmed stubble beard.

He caught a tear that rolled down my cheek. My lower lip trembled.

"I shouldn't be wandering these hallways," I said wanting to flee. "No, you certainly shouldn't," he said flashing his ultra-white teeth. "Are you new to the staff," he stated more than he asked. "I guess, Uhm… Yes. Yes I am." I bit my lip.

"Do you have some time to spare?" He smiled at me.

"Actually, I have to be at princess Raina's chamber in an hour," I mumbled. "Why do you ask?" I asked cautious.

"You'll see," he said flashing that crooked smile again. "I'm not supposed to be alone with a man," I said looking down at the floor. "And well you are…" I said trailing off my sentence.

The handsome man breathed out sharply. "Right," he said and twitched his lips. "We are in Saudi Arabia." What was that supposed to mean? Of course we were.

He pondered for a moment and then spoke again. "Can you wait for me, for like five minutes please?" He pleaded. "Uhm, okay." I said frowning in confusion.

As the man darted out of the grand hallway, I looked down at my hideous work-clothes. Not long after, he returned with an older woman by his side.

By the way she was dressed, she probably was the royal cook. "Since you pointed out that I am a man, I brought this lovely woman to accompany us," he said sounding pleased of himself.

"Her name is Rabia and I've known her since birth." Rabia politely smiled. "Now follow me," he gestured flashing that crooked smile again. I pondered if I should follow them, but the older woman encouraged me to do so.

My heart raced, while the old woman and I followed the man down several hallways. Each hallway was covered with great chandeliers, huge paintings and large mirrors with golden frames. Abruptly we came to a stop. We stood in front of a big door. "Are you ready?" He smirked.

I raised my shoulders, uncertain of what was coming. When he opened the door I gasped. "Please come in," he said leading the way into this grand library. I had never seen so many books in my life. Every wall was covered with books. I strode around the walls, touching the books, like they were the most precious things I had ever seen in my life.

"Wow," I exclaimed. "I could be here forever and never wanting to leave," I mumbled mostly to myself. Suddenly he was near me. "Did I manage to make your dreams come true?" he asked with a crooked smile on his face. His cologne lingered in my nose. "How would you know about my dreams?" I asked bewildered.

"That's not the point," he said casually. Oh no, he was one of those guys. I guess the servants had discussed my arrival or something.

"Although, you certainly gave it a very good try, it's not going to work, you know," I said half smiling. I had to admit, I felt like I was in heaven, being in this enormous library. "What is not going to work," he said in a teasing tone. "I'm not that type of woman." I smiled.

There was that crooked smile again, that he probably used on all females. "Can't a man simply try to cheer a woman up, who clearly had a rough day? And in that same moment, try to make her dreams comes true?" I looked down at the floor… not really knowing what to say.

I looked at the cook, who was standing in the back of the hallway. She nodded at me. "Well thank you," I almost whispered.

He walked towards the northern side of the library. "So, what type of woman are you then?" He asked daring me. I swallowed. Who does he think he is? I frowned at him for a while, but didn't say anything.

He picked up a book from a large desk and walked towards me again. "So? Tell me," he demanded in a warm voice.

"The type that isn't easily impressed by a man. And I am certainly not looking to be impressed by any man either," I stated. He raised both his eyebrows. "I am the type of woman who doesn't think her life goal is to be married, but rather has goals of her own. My goals consist of learning and gathering as much knowledge as I can." He still stared at me, probably not expecting this answer.

"Not a typical Saudi woman then?" He ran his hand through his hair.

"You want to gather knowledge," the man said coming closer. "I do," I said getting nervous. "So you would never be interested in a man like me," he said as a smile lingered at the edge of his lips. "No," I breathed as I could feel his hot breath on my face.