*Saphira's POV*
I wanted to wear something comfortable today, so I grabbed something out of my old suitcase.
I fetched myself a dark blue pair of shorts, that was made out of jeans fabric and put on a nice plain black T-shirt.
I took some simple black sandals from the shelf and let my hair hang loose today. What was the point in spending time on it, with this kind of wind outside. I found three black beat bracelets in one of the jewelry boxes that were in the glass display and put it around my wrist, before I jumped off the last two steps of the staircase.
I got in the passenger seat of Lynn's car and she started to eye me. "What's wrong?" I asked a bit troubled by her look. I hated to feel insecure like this. Before we went to Malibu I had never felt like this. But I don't know, I just wanted to fit in.
"What are you going to wear tomorrow?" she asked with a horror struck look on her face. "To school I mean," she added with a sigh. "Err.... By your look, probably not this," I said sarcastically. Was is that bad? I thought.
She giggled at my expression. "Promise me you'll let me pick out your clothes, when I drop you off tonight," I raised one eyebrow. "Be my guest," I said, while waving my hand to gesture she was allowed.
Her home wasn't supposed to be called a 'house'. Mansion would be a more appropriate word to describe it. They had six bathrooms, a game room, a very large inside swimming pool, their own cinema right inside their home, three sitting areas and two dining rooms.
One was only used for special occasions, like Christmas and the other was used on a daily bases. The most beautiful room in their home was a music room. The grand piano stood out from all the other instruments laying around.
I loved music. I lived music. I even sang myself. Of course never in front of anyone though, I didn't enjoy the spotlight.
Around their home they had a very large property, with a tennis cord, basketball field and an outdoor swimming paradise.
I noticed they were a lot more traditional then our family was, because Lynn's mom was veiled.
Her name was khadidja. "What are you making? Its smells heavenly." I said as I inhaled the delicious baking scent. It smelled very sweet. "Cashew nut cake and more," Lynn's mom said.
"Would it be okay if I watched and made some notes? I love baking," Lynn of course rolled her eyes at me again. She seemed to that a lot. "Yes," was the only thing she replied. It appeared her mom was the silent type. But she always smiled.
Lynn's dad had these strange colored eyes. 'Hazel' I decided they were. He was the only one that was in this house right now, that had these strange, but beautiful colored eyes.
Instead of just shaking my hand, he gave me a really big hug. "Welcome home," he said after releasing me. This was strange. I felt like I missed something very obvious.
They didn't live along the shores as we did. When we got to the beach, I took my sandals off and let my feet touch the already warm sand.
After Lynn made sure she picked the perfect spot, with the best view on the err... ocean. We sat ourselves down on a very large plaid. Lynn pointed Thomas out to me and he looked just how she described him. Blond, blue eyes, sun tanned and very tall.
"You're really lucky, with such a great family. Your parents are sweet and your brothers are hilarious," I said trying to change the subject. "You think they are hilarious?" she said, making a face. "You should see Ben," Lynn said, with such delight.
"Can you guess what kind of movies he prefers?" Lynn asked. I gave a shot. "Comedies?!" I said doubtfully, it sounded more like a question.
"Disney films!" she said while rolling her eyes again. "Oh, really?! I can't imagine that though." That was the truth. I really couldn't see a twenty year old guy watching Disney films on his own.
The three guys were walking towards us now, so Lynn had her wish come true.
"I'm Tyler," said the one boy that was our age. He was a bit dark skinned and had curly black, short hair. He shook my hand first and then Thomas introduced himself.
When the oldest guy took my hand to introduce himself, he looked right into my eyes, and in response I felt my heart speed up.
A ridiculous reaction, but I couldn't help myself. He was light skinned and wore his sand colored hair to the left. The only thing he was wearing was a black swimming short.
He had a body that was absolutely stunning. He had a well-trimmed stubble beard on his strong jaw line. Which looked extremely...
There was no other way to describe it....Sexy on him and then his eyes... His smothering hazel eyes bored right into my soul, hypnotizing my mind.
If there was anything like love at first sight, I immediately decided, this was it. My goodness, I never imagined Lynn's brother to look like that. And then that smell. Could it be? It couldn't, could it? It seemed so…
He held his head sideways and smiled at me. My heart raced! I heard him say something, but I couldn't make sense of anything he just said. Because I concentrated on his smell.
Could it be the same cologne the piano man wore yesterday? It absolutely was… The cologne existed. My head spun. "Err, what?!" I asked confused.
Like an utter moron, I realized I was still holding his hand, and I let go of him immediately. What was wrong with me?! He laughed a gentle laugh in response. "Are you okay?" he asked probably trying to be nice about it.
I nervously glanced around, to see if someone saw my failure right here.
"You're safe," he said looking down at the sand of the beach, with a hint of a smile on his face.
"It will be our secret," he added and drew a star in the sand with his index finger.