With clear eyes

"Saphira's POV*

Apparently I was hit right in the face with a basketball. My head hurt badly. When I opened up my eyes. There was a big burning and aching bump on my forehead.

Zachary carried me to the school nurse. She said I probably had a slight concussion and I was excused for the rest of the day. "You were thinking of that stewardess, weren't you?" Zachary asked while he walked me towards the passenger seat of his car.

He was excused as well, so he could bring me home. My mom was in a meeting with the board so she couldn't come pick me up. I pouted my lips in an angry manner, looking very darkly. "I thought so," Zachary said shaking his head again. "Do you want me to stay with you?" Zachary asked me with a smile lingering on the edge of his lips.