
*Jasmine's POV*

Saeed kicked me from under the table and I flinched. Did he notice what happened just now? It was "Thank you for the privilege of meeting you today." Benjamin said while tapping his watch and exchanged a glance with his friend. "Yes, Naïma and Jasmine it has been a pleasure." Daniel said warmly.

"With your permission, I'll take Naïma out on a date tomorrow," Daniel asked Saeed. 

"Good," Saeed eagerly agreed. "I am looking foward to you analysis of me as a vegatable," he sweetly smiled at her.

"You should come," Benjamin eyed me. "Keep me company."

I rolled my eyes. That guy couldn't be more obvious, you could tell he always got what he wanted. "No, I-" I began. "Fine," Saeed snapped. I let out a audible sigh and Benjamin chuckled again.