
*Benjamin's POV*

As I sat under the willow, I was more than ever grateful for the privacy the willow offered.

I heard footsteps on the grit, and by the sound of it, I knew it was Jasmine.

I braced myself.

"Good morning Ben," she said cheerfully. I looked at her. She seemed well. "How did you sleep Habibie?" I asked.

"I dreamed of you," she said flushed.

"Oh," I mouthed as she sat down.

"You sang for me," she said as she played with some strings of grass.

"Mhhh…" I Mused. "It was a good dream then?" I asked trying to stay with the conversation. My mind kept wandering back to Saphira.

She chuckled lightheartedly. "Something like that," she grinned. The dimples on her cheek appeared.

She was sidetracking me.

"Jasmine we need to get married," I blurted out as fast as I could.

Her cat-like green eyes were horror struck.

She shook her head.

"No," she said sharply.