The day

*Jasmine's POV*

"Are you sure? I mean…-" Benjamin stroke his index finger over my ring finger. I nodded again. This time with more certainty.

There weren't any words, because this wasn't real. It wasn't a real wedding. He just had a guilty conscious leaving me here. That was all.

After the Imam performed the Nika ritual, Benjamin shoved the ring around my finger and kissed my hand. "Is there anything you and your sister would like to take to the palace Habibie? We will leave in an hour max. It's not necessary to bring clothing, I'm sure they will measure you a whole new wardrobe. But if there is anything you are attached to, then we will help you pack." I glanced at my father.

This couldn't be real. Benjamin smiled. His hazel eyes were shining, he seemed pleased with this arrangement. What about Saphira?