Bare naked

*Jasmine's POV*

Benjamin held my hand when Naïma's wedding was performed. Ours went by in a daze as well. At the end of the wedding, the Sultan and his first wife came up to us and presented me this golden bracelet and told me that this is the bracelet which all woman of the Saud family wear. It was beautiful.

There was an Arabic inscription that said; woman of the crown. Fake marriage or not, I was a princes now. That was a really strange thing to consider.

"Ben will it hurt?" I asked whispering.

"What Habib?" he asked sincerely unknowing of what I was meaning. "You know, tonight," I whispered back.

His eyes grew wide again, this time in real shock and his mouth fell slightly open. It took a while before he recovered.

"I will never hurt you, I promise," Benjamin seemed to be thinking. "Love is not supposed to hurt, or not intentionally at least," he said meaningfully.