
*Benjamin's POV*

I walked out of my grandfather's office.

He wanted me to be crown prince. That would concretely mean, I was to give up my free life and I was utterly not willing to do that.

It would mean I could no longer live in the USA and try to live in anonymously.

As I walked through the palace hallways, all colors lost their brightness and the walls started to close in on me.

Could I actually do it? Could I rule this country as a true Saudi ruler? I had grown up with a lot of western ideas, but I could not just change all our countries laws, for the rest of the royal family would attempt to kill me.

Our family counted thousands of members, who truly believed that the Sharia law system, was the way God wanted us to enforce law.

To me a lot of laws seemed barbarously. It was a fact that this country, compared to our western society, was highly undeveloped.