
*Jasmine's POV*

"Oh, ok… Well sure I guess…" I hesistantly awnsered Lynn, when she asked me if Saphira could join us. Why would she want to spent time with the wife of her former 'boyfriend'?

"You can tell me if you feel weird about it. I would get that," Lynn said trying to be thoughtful. "It's okay really…" I lied. "I mean, she is or was your best friend right?" I said insecure.

"Yeah, I think she can be again…" Lynn said with a smile. "What changed?" I asked Lynn. Didn't she tell me they were no longer friends? "Yeah. I found out that she didn't have an affair after all… so I don't have any reason to be mad at her… But Sierra though… I could drink her blood," Lynn said furious.

I frowened. "Sierra was behind everything. She orchestrated the whole thing," Lynn said as she rolled her eyes.