
*Benjamin's POV*

I held Saphira in my arms, close to my body.

"Ben," she said a little too loud.  I pressed my hand against her lip, gesturing for her to be quiet. 

She looked up to me in plain fear. I hated myself for putting her in harms way like this. Outside the bathroom door I heard a few pair of footsteps and at least five men speaking. It was unsafe to climb back up in the safety space that was created in the sealing.

As a kid I used to play in the tunnels that were in this house. When I was born my grandfather was very much against the idea of me not growing up in the palace. He had several reasons for that. Safety being one of them.

When my grandfather had built this house for me, when I was not yet born, he thought of the lay-out carefully. This house seemed normal, but there were but ten panic rooms, hidden in the walls, sealings and underground.