I made a bad call

*Benjamin's POV*

I clutched my hands to the table. It felt like I was going to break it in half. 

"I am hurt," she cried. I could no longer look at the screen. This physically hurt me to see her this way. "Our country is powerful, rich beyond comprehension and our people are thriving." She said like she was reading a script. 

"That is because we have the Sharia in place," she continued. "Our country has been led by mighty Sultan's that were true men of the house of Saud," she said monotonously. 

That was what this was about. I was born in Saudi-Arabia only for technicalities, but I was certainly not raised there either way. They were scared of western influences. 

"As we do not see Benjamin, the prince of Saud fit for the throne, we asked you to step down now," she said in a shaky voice. 

I could hear she was forced to say this.