She is ready for me

*Jasmine's POV*

He looked at me.

Stared at me even. 

Benjamin placed his hand on his cheek. I quickly went to sit on the far edge of my seat, looking out of the plane window.

Had I gone too far? Maybe. But so had he. Benjamin could not keep kissing me, trying to make me shut up, whenever he wanted to. He did not take me serious, and I was not going to be treated like that anymore.

How did he think it was okay to bring Saphira with him? Why would he bring any female besides his relatives? I turned my whole body away from him and tears started to flow.

Finally my body had released all the emotion that had been building up in me since I had been captured. 

Benjamin did not attempt to touch me again, and he did not say a single word to me the rest of the flight. When our plane boarded he stood up and rearranged his tie. That was something I would normally do for him.