Who will be first?

*Saphira's POV*

That Jasmine was a total idiot.

"What did she say?" I asked stunned that Jasmine didn't melt before him, when Benjamin dropped down on one knee. Did she not realize, that he did not only marry her because he felt obligating to protect her, but that he loved her so much, that had let the woman, who truly loved him in return, go.

"I don't know... She did not like that woman pursuit me," he said irritated. "She does not even hold into regard, that I don't pursuit anyone but her." I felt as if a knife cut through my heart. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "I should not drop all this stuff on you, it is not fair. Nothing I did to you is fair," he said sounding really sad.

"Pfff…" He breathed out. "I should not be talking to you in the first place," he said almost inaudible.