
*Jasmine's POV*

"Can I hear a round of applause for my beautiful wife," Benjamin said to the crowd. "Isn't she beautiful?!" he went on. My cheeks felt like they were on fire. 

My heart raced in my chest as Benjamin began to sing. His voice was stunning and the crowd seemed to agree. Benjamin looked at me while he sang the most beautiful love song. 

I tried to stop myself, but tears started to flow down my cheek. Stupid hormones. When the song ended, Ben got up and wiped my tears away. "That was beautiful," I said a little reluctant.

I looked at him, begging for a kiss, but he did not give it to me. I guess we both knew why. Benjamin bowed and waved at the crowd and led me back to our seats. The whole crowd went hysterical. 

On the way back to the hotel, Zachary kept trying to animate me, since Saphira kept talking to Ben. Benjamin kept looking at me the entire time, his eyes almost seemed black. 

*Benjamin's POV*