Truth revealed

*Saphira's POV*

I bit my lip and contemplated the information. 

"So… he slept with another woman while we were together?" I spoke out loud. I glanced at the two men… Zachary would never do such a thing. I was the only one who was ever on his mind.

"Oh come on… " Jasmine started to say. "Did you never really think about the fact that the guy came to me when the two of you were together?" she said meaningfully.

"I mean… the first time… He was just in Saudi for a few days and I refused to see him, and the second time he had the audacity to barge into my house.. I mean… come on Saphira you are not that naïve to think that it just randomly happened that Daniel married my sister right…" she said bored.

I was racking my brain around this. "It was not the first time he came to see you?" I asked her. She shook her head 'no'. I was baffled. 

"Really?" I said skeptically. "Really," she assured me.