Making up

*Benjamin's POV*

I opened my mouth and then closed it again. I looked at her as she was getting dressed. What in the world possessed her to hit her husband. 

I wanted to make clear to her, that I would not going to tolerate such disrespectful behavior, but I honestly did not know how to talk to her about it, without the situation escalating further. 

So I said nothing.

I should say something, because if I don't, she would think it was normal to behave this way. I opened one eye again, while I held the other shut. Jasmine wore a white dress and although she looked absolutely beautiful, I could not see her like that. 

"Ben?" she said quietly.

"Mhh hhuu…" I barely answerd. "I'll go check on her," she whispered. I did not really know how to respond to that, so I decided it was best to say nothing at all.