Safe place

*Saphira's POV*

"I am warning you," Raina said, as she came closer.

"When you speak of such things, this is considered high treason. I would watch my mouth, if I were you," she hissed at me. 

Her eyes seemed to be pitch black. I could not see how Sierra liked her so much. Or at all, actually. "High treason or not, I can tell that you very well know that Benjamin loved me, and that we had fallen in love when he came back home last summer," I said holding my ground.

If I were smart, I would hold my ground with this one. She seemed like a spoiled princess, who always got her way. I was not having that, by anyone for that matter.

"Benjamin only meant to marry Jasmine to protect her from-" I said and then Raina interrupted me. "If he did not marry for love, as you were saying." She eyed me and then looked at the painting. "They surely fell in love again after they were married," she stated.