Are you sure?

*Benjamin's POV*

We stood there, for a while. Both a little awkward.

"I uhm… I got lost, I guess," Saph said biting her lip. I cocked my head to the side and flashed her a crooked smile.

"Breathe… Saphira," I reminded her. I saw that she felt caught, and I immediately felt guilty doing so. "Well… where were you heading towards…" I said as I smiled at her. 

"The-the kitchen…" she said shying away from my closeness. I backed away from her. "Ah.. you were now… and what did you think you would find there?" I questioned.

She was acting a little odd though.

"Lynn and I… and Raina for that matter… We uhm.. thought that it was a good idea to get drunk… But we were out of wine…" she said wobbly.

I scrutinized her face.  Her blue eyes had trouble focusing and it seemed she was…

"You are completely waisted!" I said more accusingly than I had meant.