A group effort

*Benjamin's POV*

"The plane is waiting for you," I heard my grandfather say.

"We have to go," I breathed in her neck. Jasmine looked up at me, and her eyes fell on my lips. I could not swallow.

When we walked out from under the willow, our family was there, waiting for us. 

They all curtsied, but my grandfather, and I smiled at that.

My grandfather had instructed everyone to greet us from a distance, only Daniel stepped up towards me. He embraced me and padded my back. "It is time to man up," he whispered under his breath. 

He took my face in his hands and smacked my jaws. I frowned at him. I knew he meant well though. 

Jasmine was being carried to the helicopter. I could see it was a struggle for the nurses to keep up, while they were dragging around everything Jazz needed.