You better

*Saphira's POV*

"What's the matter?" Malik asked me, as he came to sit beside me from a distance.

"Nothing," I said an tried to smile. Malik cocked his hand and looked at me. "I haven't known you for long, but that does not mean that I can not read you, Saphira," he said disapprovingly.

"What is bothering you?" he asked me. "There isn't anything bothering me," I lied. "Now you are insulting me," Malik said calmly rubbing his hands. He had an olive kind of skin color, it was beautiful. 

"Now the truth," he said from under his lashes. "Arghh…" I groaned. "I do not want to tell you." I almost whispered.

"Why not," he stated like he had a right to know. "Because… what's it to you?" I frowned. He opened his mouth to say something and then closed it again. He stood up, ready to leave. "I'll let you be then," he simply said.