
*Saphira's POV*

I threw the phone across the room with a thud. I could not believe that I had once again lost him.

I truly did not understand… Jasmine did not seem to appreciate was he was offering her. And still…. Still he kept on picking her…

I needed him to pick me. He needed to choose me and I would make sure he would do that soon enough.

I would make him see that he could act tough, saying that he would not mind me marrying another.

He had specifically said that he did not want me to  marry anyone he knew. Besides, he had already admitted that I could not see me with someone else and that he loved me. The fact that he kissed me… Drunk or not… truly meant that he loved me just as much as I loved him.

The best way to make him see was through Malik. I could not really get a grip on what Malik wanted of me… But I could sense that there was something between us.