Do you love him?

*Jasmine 's POV*

"Do you love him?" Pablo questioned. I slowly inhaled and sharply exhaled. I did not answer him.

"Let me be honest with you… a few hours ago.. in my apartment… I could feel the heat from that sensational kiss you two shared. Whooo!" Pablo whistled and  he moved his hand like he was burning.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh come on… you even look at him like that when you are angry at him," Pablo told me. "I do not!" I shrieked. "Yes you do," Pablo snickered. "The man is absolutely glorious," he teased me.

I shook my head. "It is a fact that he is handsome… and well build…" I slowely said.

Pablo eyed me from under his lashes. "Well buillddd…." he said in a exaggerating tone. "Honey… Well buiilddd…."

"That man looks like a freakin Greek God." He laughed loudly. 

"I guess…" I shyly said. 

"Look at that… she is blushing," Pablo said pinching my cheeks.

"But to answer my question…" he said being serious now.