I do not really want to die yet!

*Benjamin's POV*

Jasmines face was shaped in a deep frown. She opened her mouth and then closed in again. I guess she then finally let it go. We got into the helicopter and I flew us to Malta.

My dear wife was quiet the whole time. I inwardly smiled at that and wondered about all the questions she was shaping in her head.

Pablo on the other hand, did chat the entire way. When we landed, we were immediately greeted by the director of the school I took the flying lessons had. His name was Matheas.

  I did not own a submarine, so I was glad that he could lend me one on this short notice.

He made a curtsy. "Your majesties," he said, bowing to Jazz as well. I will take you to  fully-equipped 30-meter yacht and then we will take you to the best dive sites.

"Your majesty, did you know that your husband was our top student in class?" Matheas smiled at Jasmine. She shot me a look and pouted her lips. "I can only imagine," she said and coughed a laugh.