Chapter~5 Adventure:

"Let's go for a walk", Edward said to Sana as he grabbed her hand helping her up off the sidewalk. Sana exclaimed, "It's too hot, Edward !" He replied, "What about the woods? There's shade there. Come on, it's better than just sitting here." Sana gave a quick shrug and a halfway smile that meant "I guess". They began to head towards the woods, never realizing that it would change their lives forever.

"I wonder if she likes me like I like her", Edward thought to himself as he stared at Sana's long, wavy red hair that seemed to fall effortlessly into place. Sana looked over her shoulder and gave Edward a smile, he couldn't help but admire her beautiful face full of freckless and eyes as blue as the ocean on a warm summer day. "Ehh probably not", he thought as he returned his attention to the trail. All of a sudden he noticed a trail of daisies darting off from the path. "I have an idea", he says, "let's follow the daisies". She hesitates, "I dunno Edward , I guess". She knew Edward wasn't the best navigator but she put aside her fears because she knew she could always follow the flowers back to the path.

As the two became further and further away from the original trail, stranger things began to happen. They heard little voices and swore they saw tiny men. "I want to go back!", Sana stated fearfully, "this place gives me the creeps!" Edward was scared too but would never admit it so he responded, "if that's what you want". As the two turned around, they looked at each other in horror realizing that the trail of daisies had dissapeared.