Chapter~29 Do good and have good:

This is the story of a mango tree. One day, a queen of honey bees came to reside in the jungle. There was a peepal tree and a mango tree. The queen first went to the peepal tree and asks for permission to make their hive.

Hey peepal tree, we are new in this jungle. Can you please give us some space under your shed to make our hive.

The peepal refused to the queen saying:

I can't give you permission. You are going to disturb me, the whole day.

The queen with a disappointment went to the Mango tree and ask him for help.

Please, mango tree. Can I make my hive under your shed?

The Mango tree was kind and sweet just like his fruits. He agreed to give permission to the queen.

They all lived happily in the jungle until a carpenter came for the woods. He, firstly, liked the mango tree and wants to cut it but then noticed the beehive and decided not to cut it.

He, then, decided to cut the peepal tree. As the carpenter was trying to cut the peepal tree, he began to cry for help. The mango tree listened to his voice and asks the queen of honey bees to help the peepal tree.

The queen refused to help and said:

The peepal tree didn't allow me to make my hive. He was very rude. I'm not going to help him.

The Mango tree listened to the Queen and then said:

We should not do bad things to people who do bad things to you. We should always do good to have good.

The queen understands and immediately commanded his soldier-bees to help the Peepal tree.

Moral of the Story:

We should always be like the mango tree. we should always do good to have good and also do good to those who did bad to us.