I retired to bed very early that day. But I could not fall asleep. What did Carlisle mean by that? Did that mean he suspect that I was that dumb blue finch he met? Or he had already found out? Was I exposed by just that sword wound? What should I do now?
In the end I knew what I had to do. Contrary to what Georgia and Uncle believed, I did have two powers. But it's as useless as having one. You see, just like Georgia's parents, both of my parents are shape-shifters. My father could shift into an eagle, my mother was a snake. A really strange combination. So one would expect me to inherit those two powers, but I inherited my grandmother's power.
I could only shift into a finch. But as if to compensate me for my lack of luck, I could choose to shift into two different colors. My power to shape-shift into a gray finch, but it was much weaker. I didn't even know if I could maintain that appearance for at least half a day and I suffered from repercussions more easily in my gray finch form. My repercussions came into the form of acting or thinking like a bird for a while.
So next time if Master Carlisle asked me to shift into my bird form, I could simply choose the gray bird form. That would probably clear his doubts. As for my forearm wound, it has already recovered. A very slight scar remained, which was strange for a wound that deep as one would expect a deep scar.
Next time came sooner than I expected. The next day, Master Fu told me to stay behind after class.
"Arina, I have a mission for you."
Even someone as calm as me was shocked. Master Fu was a tutor who was famous for assigning missions to his star pupils. And he couldn't even remember my name. I was not fooled, just now he took a look at the paper in his hand before calling my name. I hand my head down reverently for him to disclose the details of the mission.
"You know you seniors have to go on one mission at least before you graduate."
Yes, that's a rule. For star pupils like Georgia, they went on dozens of missions before they graduated. They had more experiences, so they got a better position after they graduated. For normal pupils like me, we had to wait for the lots drawing. Some missions were just so mundane and not worth the effort of Master Fu's star pupils, so lots would be drawn to choose a random pupil. Lily was chosen last week to catch that big stray cat from the rooftop of the academy's kitchen and then fix the broken roof. They could simply ask a random man in the kitchen to do it, but apparently all those men who worked in the kitchen were afraid of heights. No wonder star pupils didn't watch such missions.
"You got lucky. Such a mission should be given to Geor…" as if noticing he had said something wrong, he cleared his throat and said, "Master Carlisle needed a guard to accompany him to the capital. His guard called in sick this morning. He could very well use other accomplished guards, but he said it's just a short trip to the capital. He could very well protect himself, as you know Master Carlisle is very gifted in his sword. So he randomly drew a name from you apprentices and you were chosen."
Randomly drew my name? I didn't think I was such a lucky person. A coincidence? As if!
"So you're going along as a servant! Don't forget your place." Master Fu, after giving me a small wooden plaque with the Manor's ensign which allowed me to get out of the Manor, dismissed me after that.
After taking a real sword from my room, I set out to meet Master Carlisle in his court. Janus met me at the entrance.
"Apprentice Arina." he gave me a simple nod. Called in sick? He looked like he could fight a tiger. This was just blatantly telling me he was lying to me.
I responded with a nod. Then the door swung open and Carlisle waked out.
"Arina, you have arrived. Good, we can set out now. Janus was sick, so I randomly drew a name from your apprentices and turned out it's you. What a coincidence, isn't it?" his usual gentle smile hung on his face, but something gleamed in his eyes.
"It is, Master Carlisle. It's an honor to work for you. I will do my best today."
Master Carlisle gave me a smile and walked away. But that smile was clearly not innocent, he's planning something. There's no time for me to think what they meant, so I quickly followed him.
We went to the capital by carriage. Each of us sat on one side of the carriage. Master Carlisle was reading when he suddenly said, "Your father said you could shift into a finch."
"That's right, Master."
"Must be quite a beautiful bird."
I knew you're just fishing for answers and I was definitely not going to give you that.
"Unfortunately, Master, my bird form is not particularly special." I smiled apologetically.
"Really, Grandmother said people from your family had beautiful animal forms. Especially those who could turn into finches. She said you all had bright and beautiful feather."
"That's true about my grandmother and my aunt. They have beautiful bird forms. But I could only shapeshift into a gray finch." again I smiled sadly.
I could see interest sparked in his eyes and his lips twisted into a half smile. "I don't believe you. Luckily, there's a chance for you to show me today. We have arrived."
We had arrived at the most famous restaurant in the capital, Jade Garden.