Chapter Forty


She kissed my forehead and carried Kasey away from me then she sat on the couch close to where I lay. She looked really hot wearing only my shirt and what I enjoyed more was the smiles that never left her face since yesterday night. She was really happy and knowing that I was the reason behind those smiles on her face made me giddy. I already called Sara to tell her that I would work from home today, my mum's phone call was actually what woke me up early in the morning. She was calling to ask about Kasey and the wet nurse because we have been discussing through texts and emails since after Julie's funeral. She sounded like she would be visiting anytime soon, I didn't ask her though, there was no way she would show up at my house without telling me. That was my mum and her "respect for everyone's privacy" because she expects the same from me. I think I was done stretching myself out on the sofa, I stood up and went to my room after I kissed Suzy's forehead. I had a whole lot of stuff to do and I needed to be done before tomorrow. I doubt I could finish them while I'm in the same house with my biggest distraction. I needed a little workout right now to maybe work her out of my system and get my mind straight for today. I changed to my workout clothes and headed to my gym. Dana was already preparing breakfast in the kitchen and Suzy was with the girls in the kitchen too, both of them were becoming close, like mother and daughter. I stole a glance at Suzy, they were both too immersed in whatsoever they were discussing that they didn't even notice when I passed, then I went to my gym which was in one of the rooms downstairs. I bet Suzy was not that workout type because everything was just the way I left it the last time I worked out at home.

I was so exhausted and sweaty from one of the most intense workout sessions I've ever had, so I went over to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. The look on Suzy's face when she saw me was funny, she looked at me as if she was seeing me for the first time, well, it's her first time seeing me this way, maybe. I just chuckled and ran upstairs to my room after drinking the water I came for. I needed a quick shower so that I would start up the work on my desk.

I found it very difficult to concentrate on what I was doing. My mind kept drifting to what happened between me and Suzy last night, the memories of her beautiful, soft body drove me crazy. Thinking of her perky nipples and the way she moaned in pleasure while I touched her got me painfully hard. I looked back at the book I was reviewing but every single word seemed blurred. She was my worst distraction and damn, I loved her so much that it hurts.

A light knock on the door brought me out of my perverted thoughts.

"Come in," I said as I adjusted myself so that my hard-on will not be obvious. The door opened quietly and Suzy peeped in first then she smiled and came in before she closed the door behind her. Okay, it's now clear to me that I won't finish this review today, she was right here in front of me in my office, how the fuck will I ever concentrate. She sat down on the sofa in my office and crossed her legs, she wore a short gown so the fair laps were exposed to feed my hungry eyes. I just stared at her quietly, I couldn't even get to say a word, I was fuckin' mesmerized by her beauty and hot, elegant legs.

"I came to ask you if I could bring you anything to eat. You missed breakfast." She said staring at me. I didn't realize that I missed breakfast, just thinking about her made me forget that I was hungry, and with her here mentioning food, I realized that I was hungry.

"Yeah, umm. I think what I want to have is here before me." I said, teasing her. She laughed and shook her head. "Just get me anything," I said then she nodded and left the office. She came back after some minutes with chicken and chips on a small tray. While I was devouring what she brought up for me, she looked around my office looking from shelf to shelf, going through the books that got her attention.

"Alex, who is this girl?" she asked me as she placed the old photo on my desk in front of me. I looked at the photo of my mysterious first love then I looked at Suzy. I could not even read her facial expressions, I couldn't tell if she was angry and if she was, why would she get angry over an old picture of a teenage girl in my office.

"She's the first girl I fell in love with, way back when I was in college. Sadly, I never met her." I said, then I lowered my eyes.

"How did you get the picture then?" she asked. I don't know why she was so interested in this story as if she was interviewing me for research.

"Well, I remember that I picked it up at a little cafe where I and Kev decided to stay for a break. I think we were coming back from a gym, I can't remember but I fell in love with her immediately I saw that picture and thought it wise to hold onto it hopefully waiting for when I'll meet her in person. Why do you ask?" I finally asked. She smiled and tapped on my desk lightly before she went over to sit down on the sofa that she was on earlier.

"Well, I think I've found my lost picture, the truth is that I didn't even know the exact place that I lost it because I went to so many places that day and I realized that it was missing when I got home but I had no idea where I dropped it so I didn't bother searching for it," she said then she crossed her legs and looked at me smiling widely.

"Are you fucking around with me right now?" I asked her because I was shocked to my bones from what she just said. I could not believe what I just heard. I didn't even know how to react. She just shook her head and laughed at me. I didn't even know if she was serious about what she just said.

"Are you trying to say that you are the one in this photo?" I asked again. Now I was eager to know and I just stared at the photo then back at her. she looked different now, way beautiful than the girl in the picture that was in my hands right now.

"Look at the tiny birthmark on her shoulder then come over here and see for yourself if you doubt me," she said laughing at how confused I looked from her to the picture trying to find the resemblance. I saw the birthmark on the girl's shoulder and it was possible for me because she was wearing a tank top in that picture then I stood up from my chair and went over to where Suzy sat.

"Show me," I said as I sat down close to her. She pushed her dress off her shoulder slightly.

I was dumbfounded. It was her. She was the mysterious girl that I fell in love with at first sight back then. Can someone please tell me that all these coincidences were fated because me, right here, right now was fuckn' surprised by what I just heard now?