Chapter Fifty-Three


I was getting pissed off with Alex's late night and he just came in while I was complaining to Lia about him not being home. I was scared though and uncomfortable about the whole late nights, maybe I was just being paranoid.

He looked so jaded when he walked into the house and seeing him that way made me feel guilty about being pissed off. I hung up the phone and smiled at him then I hugged him. The girls were already asleep so I led him to the dining room, he needed to eat, it was written all over him that he was so tired.

"I'll get you something to eat baby." I said then I kissed his forehead, he smiled at me and nodded slightly then I left for the kitchen to get him his dinner.

He was tapping his fingers on his laps when I came in with his food then I placed it before him and kissed his cheeks.

"Thank you so much Lily." he said to me, I nodded my head slightly and smiled at him before I sat on the chair that was next to him then he started eating.

I kept looking at him while he ate and whenever our eyes met when he looked up at me, he smiled. He must have been through a very rough day, I thought so because he's never come back home this tired since I started living with him.

When he was done eating, I followed him to bed.

"Babe, I'm so sorry I came home late. I had a really tough day at work ." he said to me while we were about sleep after he had his bath.

"It's fine baby, I was lonely though, but it's work and I could have asked Lia to stay back with me but she said she and Kevin planned to have dinner at his place tonight." I said trying to make him feel better at least because I could see the worry in his eyes and I knew he wasn't happy about how he came home late recently but it was necessary, I think, then I hugged him.

We kissed so gently while he stroked my back lazily with his fingers, well it worked like magic on me because within few seconds I was already feeling sleepy then he cuddled me up till I slept off.

"Oh shit, what's wrong." I said lazily as the baby monitor beeped. I think one or both of the girls had woken up.

Alex stirred a bit in his sleep but I tried to be so careful not to disturb him because I knew he always had very early mornings and he needed all the night rest he could get, seeing how tired he was when he came back home.

I tip toed out of his room and closed the door in the most quiet way that I've ever done that's when I heard Katie's cry. I hurried up to the kids room and carried Katie up from her bed immediately. She was burning up, her temperature was really high.

Well,of course they were little babies still toothing and I knew they had night fever for sometime but it all stopped for sometime and now Katie was just crying and I could see how uncomfortable she was. Her cry woke Kasey up too, I now had two crying babies and one of them was sick. My panic mode was turned on immediately because I didn't even know what the fuck I was supposed to do. Just right then I missed Mrs. Dolly so much, why didn't all of this happen while she was around.

"Oh my goodness, what's going on baby?" Alex said as he hurried up to where I was carrying the two girls.

"Katie is sick, her temperature is high." I said then he carried Kasey from me.

"Oh shit!, that's...fuck, what will we do about it then? and it's so fuckn' late to be going to the hospital right now. Is there any First aid treatment that you can do to at least hold her down before dawn?" he asked while he rocked Kasey to sleep.

"I don't know exactly what to do, but I can give her some medicine and hope her temperature comes down a bit." I said, by now Katie had already stopped crying and I was so damned worried.

"Okay, let's just try, come on, let's go to the living room." He said then he kissed my cheek and stood up with Kasey half asleep,half awake in his arms while I trailed behind him with Katie in my arms.

"I think we'll just wait for some minutes to see if there will be any changes." He said after I gave her some medicine. We sat for sometime in silence carrying our babies and just staring into the thin air or maybe thinking because I was deep in thoughts.

"I'm sorry." I said and smiled at him.

"What for?" he asked and looked at me with his eyes full of questions.

"Well, you should be sleeping now but here you are, helping me out with the girls." I said then I looked at him.

We stared at each other for some seconds before he kissed my lips a little bit longer than we did before we went to bed.

"There's no need for an apology, Lily, and by the way, they are our kids right? I can't just leave everything off to you and you should know by now that I love you so much and I care a lot, so much about you and Katie and Kasey. I love you all so damned much." he said then he kissed my lips again before he put one of his hands around my shoulder while he carried Kasey with the other hand.

When I checked her temperature again after forty minutes,her temperature was still high but it wasn't as high as it was at the beginning. Alex took Kasey to bed then he came back and sat beside me.

"You should go to bed now baby, you'll have an early morning tomorrow and I don't want this to affect you okay." I said to him but he just nodded his head no.

"I can't sleep when I know that Katie is still not feeling better and you are still awake. Katie is also my daughter as long as we are together okay, so I'm just a dad worried to death about his sick daughter." he said, I almost cried at his words. Was he really taking responsibility of Katie, oh my God.

"You know that's the sweetest "Daddy in distress" speech I've ever heard." I said laughing at him and he joined me to laugh.

"Well...what can I say, I'm flattered by your words madame." he said faking an awful French accent then he bowed his head a little, playfully. It really cracked me up and we were just laughing so hard at the little jokes we made to feel better at least while we waited for Katie's temperature to get down.

"Thank you so much baby. I really don't know how I would have gone through this long night without you." I said to him after I laid Katie back on her bed. Her temperature came down, at least she'll be fine till dawn then we could take her to the hospital.

"Well, it was fun. I enjoyed it a lot and I'm glad Katie's better now. "He said and kissed my neck then he held my waist till we slept off again. I smiled, I was happy that Alex accepted to be the father of my daughter and take the responsibilities involved. Maybe Katie wasn't going to grow up without a Dad afterall.